Source code for

# conx - a neural network library
# Copyright (c) Douglas S. Blank <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA

The network module contains the code for the Network class.

import collections
import operator
from functools import reduce
import signal
import string
import numbers
import random
import pickle
import base64
import json
import html
import copy
import sys
import io
import os
import re
from typing import Any

import PIL
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import keras
from keras.callbacks import Callback, History
import keras.backend as K

from .utils import *
from .layers import Layer
from .dataset import Dataset

    from IPython import get_ipython
    get_ipython = lambda: None


[docs]class ReportCallback(Callback): def __init__(self, network, verbose, report_rate, mpl_backend, record): # mpl_backend is matplotlib backend super().__init__() = network self.verbose = verbose self.report_rate = report_rate self.mpl_backend = mpl_backend self.in_console = self.record = record
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): += 1 if (self.verbose > 0 and self.in_console and (epoch+1) % self.report_rate == 0):, logs) if self.record != 0 and (epoch+1) % self.record == 0:[] =
[docs]class PlotCallback(Callback): def __init__(self, network, report_rate, mpl_backend): # mpl_backend te matplotlib backend string code # super().__init__() = network self.report_rate = report_rate self.mpl_backend = mpl_backend self.in_console = self.figure = None
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): if epoch == -1: # training loop finished, so make a final update to plot # in case the number of loop cycles wasn't a multiple of # report_rate if not self.in_console: plt.close(self.figure[0]) elif (epoch+1) % self.report_rate == 0:
[docs]class FunctionCallback(Callback): """ 'on_batch_begin', 'on_batch_end', 'on_epoch_begin', 'on_epoch_end', 'on_train_begin', 'on_train_end', """ def __init__(self, network, on_method, function): super().__init__() = network self.on_method = on_method self.function = function
[docs] def on_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None): if self.on_method == "on_batch_begin": self.function(, batch, logs)
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None): if self.on_method == "on_batch_end": self.function(, batch, logs)
[docs] def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs=None): if self.on_method == "on_epoch_begin": self.function(, epoch, logs)
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): if self.on_method == "on_epoch_end": self.function(, epoch, logs)
[docs] def on_train_begin(self, logs=None): if self.on_method == "on_train_begin": self.function(, logs)
[docs] def on_train_end(self, logs=None): if self.on_method == "on_train_end": self.function(, logs)
[docs]class StoppingCriteria(Callback): def __init__(self, item, op, value, use_validation_to_stop): super().__init__() self.item = item self.op = op self.value = value self.use_validation_to_stop = use_validation_to_stop
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): key = ("val_" + self.item) if self.use_validation_to_stop else self.item if key in logs: # we get what we need directly: if[key], self.op, self.value): self.model.stop_training = True else: ## ok, then let's sum/average anything that matches total = 0 count = 0 for item in logs: if self.use_validation_to_stop: if item.startswith("val_") and item.endswith("_" + self.item): count += 1 total += logs[item] else: if item.endswith("_" + self.item) and not item.startswith("val_"): count += 1 total += logs[item] if count > 0 and, self.op, self.value): self.model.stop_training = True
[docs] def compare(self, v1, op, v2): if v2 is None: return False if op == "<": return v1 < v2 elif op == ">": return v1 > v2 elif op == "==": return v1 == v2 elif op == "<=": return v1 <= v2 elif op == ">=": return v1 >= v2
[docs]class Network(): """ The main class for the conx neural network package. Arguments: name: Required. The name of the network. Should not contain special HTML characters. sizes: Optional numbers. Defines the sizes of layers of a sequential network. These will be created, added, and connected automatically. config: Configuration overrides for the network. Note: To create a complete, operating network, you must do the following items: 1. create a network 2. add layers 3. connect the layers 4. compile the network 5. set the dataset 6. train the network See also :any:`Layer`, :any:`Network.add`, :any:`Network.connect`, and :any:`Network.compile`. Examples: >>> net = Network("XOR1", 2, 5, 2) >>> len(net.layers) 3 >>> net = Network("XOR2") >>> net.add(Layer("input", 2)) 'input' >>> net.add(Layer("hidden", 5)) 'hidden' >>> net.add(Layer("output", 2)) 'output' >>> net.connect() >>> len(net.layers) 3 >>> net = Network("XOR3") >>> net.add(Layer("input", 2)) 'input' >>> net.add(Layer("hidden", 5)) 'hidden' >>> net.add(Layer("output", 2)) 'output' >>> net.connect("input", "hidden") >>> net.connect("hidden", "output") >>> len(net.layers) 3 >>> net = Network("NMIST") >>> 'NMIST' >>> len(net.layers) 0 >>> net = Network("NMIST", 10, 5, 1) >>> len(net.layers) 3 >>> net = Network("NMIST", 10, 5, 5, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.config["activation"] 'sigmoid' >>> net["output"].activation == "sigmoid" True >>> net["hidden1"].activation == "sigmoid" True >>> net["hidden2"].activation == "sigmoid" True >>> net["input"].activation is None True >>> net.layers[0].name == "input" True """ OPTIMIZERS = ("sgd", "rmsprop", "adagrad", "adadelta", "adam", "adamax", "nadam", "tfoptimizer") ERROR_FUNCTIONS = ['binary_crossentropy', 'categorical_crossentropy', 'categorical_hinge', 'cosine', 'cosine_proximity', 'hinge', 'kld', 'kullback_leibler_divergence', 'logcosh', 'mae', 'mape', 'mean_absolute_error', 'mean_absolute_percentage_error', 'mean_squared_error', 'mean_squared_logarithmic_error', 'mse', 'msle', 'poisson', 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy', 'squared_hinge'] def __init__(self, name: str, *sizes: int, load_config=True, **config: Any): if not isinstance(name, str): raise Exception("first argument should be a name for the network") self.debug = False ## Pick a place in the random stream, and remember it: ## (can override randomness with a particular seed): if not isinstance(name, str): raise Exception("conx layers need a name as a first parameter") self._check_network_name(name) = name if "seed" in config: seed = config["seed"] del config["seed"] else: seed = np.random.randint(2 ** 31 - 1) self.seed = seed np.random.seed(self.seed) self.reset_config() ## Next, load a config if available, and override defaults: self.layers = [] if load_config: self.load_config() ## Override those with args: self.config.update(config) ## Set initial values: self.num_input_layers = 0 self.num_target_layers = 0 self.input_bank_order = [] self.output_bank_order = [] self.dataset = Dataset(self) self.compile_options = {} self.train_options = {} self._tolerance = K.variable(0.1, dtype='float32', name='tolerance') self.layer_dict = {} self.epoch_count = 0 self.history = [] self.weight_history = {} self.update_pictures = get_ipython() is not None self._comm = None self.model = None self.prop_from_dict = {} self._svg_counter = 1 self._need_to_show_headings = True self._initialized_javascript = False # If simple feed-forward network: for i in range(len(sizes)): if i > 0: self.add(Layer(autoname(i, len(sizes)), shape=sizes[i], activation=self.config["activation"])) else: self.add(Layer(autoname(i, len(sizes)), shape=sizes[i])) # Connect them together: for i in range(len(sizes) - 1): self.connect(autoname(i, len(sizes)), autoname(i+1, len(sizes)))
[docs] def reset_config(self): """ Reset the config back to factor defaults. """ self.config = { "font_size": 12, # for svg "font_family": "monospace", # for svg "border_top": 25, # for svg "border_bottom": 25, # for svg "hspace": 150, # for svg "vspace": 30, # for svg, arrows "image_maxdim": 200, # for svg "image_pixels_per_unit": 50, # for svg "activation": "linear", # Dense default, if none specified "arrow_color": "black", "arrow_width": "2", "border_width": "2", "border_color": "black", "show_targets": False, "show_errors": False, "pixels_per_unit": 1, "precision": 2, "svg_scale": None, # for svg, 0 - 1, or None for optimal "svg_rotate": False, # for rotating SVG "svg_preferred_size": 400, # in pixels "svg_max_width": 800, # in pixels "dashboard.dataset": "Train", "": "", "dashboard.features.columns": 3, "dashboard.features.scale": 1.0, "config_layers": {}, }
def _check_network_name(self, name): """ Check to see if a network name is appropriate. Raises exception if invalid name. """ valid_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " _-" if len(name) == 0: raise Exception("network name must not be length 0: '%s'" % name) if not all(char in valid_chars for char in name): raise Exception("network name must only contain letters, numbers, '-', ' ', and '_': '%s'" % name) def __getstate__(self): return { "name":, "layers": [layer.__getstate__() for layer in self.layers], "outgoing_connections": { [ for layer2 in layer.outgoing_connections] for layer in self.layers}, "config": self.config, } def __setstate__(self, state): from .layers import make_layer Network.__init__(self, state["name"]) self.config = state["config"] for layer_state in state["layers"]: self.add(make_layer(layer_state)) for layer_from in self.layers: for layer_to in state["outgoing_connections"][]: self.connect(, layer_to) def _get_tolerance(self): return K.get_value(self._tolerance) def _set_tolerance(self, value): K.set_value(self._tolerance, value) tolerance = property(_get_tolerance, _set_tolerance) def __getitem__(self, layer_name): if layer_name not in self.layer_dict: return None else: return self.layer_dict[layer_name] def _repr_svg_(self): return self.to_svg(show_errors=False, show_targets=False, svg_rotate=False, svg_scale=None) def __repr__(self): return "<Network name='%s' (%s)>" % (, ("uncompiled" if not self.model else "compiled"))
[docs] def set_weights_from_history(self, index, epochs=None): """ Set the weights of the network from a particular point in the learning sequence. net.set_weights_from_history(0) # restore initial weights net.set_weights_from_history(-1) # restore last weights See also: * `Network.get_weights_from_history` """ epochs = epochs if epochs is not None else sorted(self.weight_history.keys()) return self.from_array(self.get_weights_from_history(index, epochs))
[docs] def get_weights_from_history(self, index, epochs=None): """ Get the weights of the network from a particular point in the learning sequence. wts = net.get_weights_from_history(0) # get initial weights wts = net.get_weights_from_history(-1) # get last weights See also: * `Network.set_weights_from_history` """ epochs = epochs if epochs is not None else sorted(self.weight_history.keys()) return self.weight_history[epochs[index]]
[docs] def playback(self, function): """ Playback a function over the set of recorded weights. function has signature: function(network, epoch) and returns a displayable, or list of displayables. Example: >>> net = Network("Playback Test", 2, 2, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="sgd") >>> net.dataset.load([ ... [[0, 0], [0]], ... [[0, 1], [1]], ... [[1, 0], [1]], ... [[1, 1], [0]]]) >>> results = net.train(10, record=True, verbose=0, plot=False) >>> def function(network, epoch): ... return None >>> sv = net.playback(function) >>> ## Testing: >>> class Dummy: ... def update(self, result): ... return result >>> sv.displayers = [Dummy()] >>> print("Testing"); sv.goto("end") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Testing... """ from .widgets import SequenceViewer if len(self.weight_history) == 0: raise Exception("network wasn't trained with record=True; please train again") epochs = sorted(self.weight_history.keys()) def display_weight_history(index): self.set_weights_from_history(index, epochs) return function(self, epochs[index]) sv = SequenceViewer("%s Playback:" %, display_weight_history, len(epochs)) return sv
[docs] def movie(self, function, movie_name=None, start=0, stop=None, step=1, loop=0, optimize=True, duration=100, embed=False, mp4=True): """ Make a movie from a playback function over the set of recorded weights. function has signature: function(network, epoch) and should return a PIL.Image. Example: >>> net = Network("Movie Test", 2, 2, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.compile(error='mse', optimizer="adam") >>> ds = [[[0, 0], [0]], ... [[0, 1], [1]], ... [[1, 0], [1]], ... [[1, 1], [0]]] >>> net.dataset.load(ds) >>> epochs, khistory = net.train(10, verbose=0, report_rate=1000, record=True, plot=False) >>> img = net, epoch: net.propagate_to_image("hidden", [1, 1], ... resize=(500, 100)), ... "/tmp/movie.gif", mp4=False) >>> img <IPython.core.display.Image object> """ from IPython.display import Image if len(self.weight_history) == 0: raise Exception("network wasn't trained with record=True; please train again") epochs = sorted(self.weight_history.keys()) if stop is None: stop = len(epochs) frames = [] indices = [] for index in range(start, stop, step): self.set_weights_from_history(index, epochs) frames.append(function(self, epochs[index])) indices.append(index) if stop - 1 not in indices: self.set_weights_from_history(stop - 1, epochs) frames.append(function(self, epochs[stop - 1])) if movie_name is None: movie_name = "%s-movie.gif" %" ", "_") if frames: frames[0].save(movie_name, save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], optimize=optimize, loop=loop, duration=duration) if mp4 is False: return Image(url=movie_name, embed=embed) else: return gif2mp4(movie_name)
[docs] def picture(self, inputs=None, dynamic=False, rotate=False, scale=None, show_errors=False, show_targets=False, format="html", class_id=None, **kwargs): """ Create an SVG of the network given some inputs (optional). >>> net = Network("Picture", 2, 2, 1) >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="adam") >>> net.picture([.5, .5]) <IPython.core.display.HTML object> >>> net.picture([.5, .5], dynamic=True) <IPython.core.display.HTML object> """ from IPython.display import HTML if any([(layer.kind() == "unconnected") for layer in self.layers]) or len(self.layers) == 0: print("Network error: please add layers and connect them") return if not dynamic: if class_id is not None: print("WARNING: class_id given but ignored", file=sys.stderr) r = random.randint(1, 1000000) class_id = "picture-static-%s-%s" % (, r) orig_rotate = self.config["svg_rotate"] orig_show_errors = self.config["show_errors"] orig_show_targets = self.config["show_targets"] orig_svg_scale = self.config["svg_scale"] self.config["svg_rotate"] = rotate self.config["show_errors"] = show_errors self.config["show_targets"] = show_targets self.config["svg_scale"] = scale svg = self.to_svg(inputs=inputs, class_id=class_id, **kwargs) self.config["svg_rotate"] = orig_rotate self.config["show_errors"] = orig_show_errors self.config["show_targets"] = orig_show_targets self.config["svg_scale"] = orig_svg_scale if format == "html": return HTML(svg) elif format == "svg": return svg elif format == "image": return svg_to_image(svg)
[docs] def in_console(self, mpl_backend: str) -> bool: """ Return True if running connected to a console; False if connected to notebook, or other non-console system. Possible values: * 'TkAgg' - console with Tk * 'Qt5Agg' - console with Qt * 'MacOSX' - mac console * 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline' - default for notebook and non-console, and when using %matplotlib inline * 'NbAgg' - notebook, using %matplotlib notebook Here, None means not plotting, or just use text. Note: If you are running ipython without a DISPLAY with the QT background, you may wish to: export QT_QPA_PLATFORM='offscreen' """ return mpl_backend not in [ 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline', 'NbAgg', ]
[docs] def add(self, *layers: Layer) -> None: """ Add layers to the network layer connections. Order is not important, unless calling :any:`Network.connect` without any arguments. Arguments: layer: One or more layer instances. Returns: layer_name (str) - name of last layer added Examples: >>> net = Network("XOR2") >>> net.add(Layer("input", 2)) 'input' >>> len(net.layers) 1 >>> net = Network("XOR3") >>> net.add(Layer("input", 2)) 'input' >>> net.add(Layer("hidden", 5)) 'hidden' >>> net.add(Layer("hidden2", 5), ... Layer("hidden3", 5), ... Layer("hidden4", 5), ... Layer("hidden5", 5)) 'hidden5' >>> net.add(Layer("output", 2)) 'output' >>> len(net.layers) 7 Note: See :any:`Network` for more information. """ last_name = None for layer in layers: if not isinstance(, str): raise Exception("layer_name should be a string") if in self.layer_dict: raise Exception("duplicate layer name '%s'" % ## Automatic layer naming by pattern: if "%d" in layer_names = [ for layer in self.layers] i = 1 while ( % i) in layer_names: i += 1 = % i if hasattr(layer, "params") and "name" in layer.params: layer.params["name"] = self.layers.append(layer) self.layer_dict[] = layer ## Layers have link back to network = self ## Finally, override any config from network.config: self.update_layer_from_config(layer) ## Return name, for possible connections last_name = return last_name
def update_layer_from_config(self, layer): if in self.config["config_layers"]: for item in self.config["config_layers"][]: setattr(layer, item, self.config["config_layers"][][item])
[docs] def connect(self, from_layer_name : str=None, to_layer_name : str=None): """ Connect two layers together if called with arguments. If called with no arguments, then it will make a sequential run through the layers in order added. Arguments: from_layer_name: Name of layer where connect begins. to_layer_name: Name of layer where connection ends. If both from_layer_name and to_layer_name are None, then all of the layers are connected sequentially in the order added. Examples: >>> net = Network("XOR2") >>> net.add(Layer("input", 2)) 'input' >>> net.add(Layer("hidden", 5)) 'hidden' >>> net.add(Layer("output", 2)) 'output' >>> net.connect() >>> [ for layer in net["input"].outgoing_connections] ['hidden'] """ if len(self.layers) == 0: raise Exception("no layers have been added") if from_layer_name is not None and not isinstance(from_layer_name, str): raise Exception("from_layer_name should be a string or None") if to_layer_name is not None and not isinstance(to_layer_name, str): raise Exception("to_layer_name should be a string or None") if from_layer_name is None and to_layer_name is None: if (any([layer.outgoing_connections for layer in self.layers]) or any([layer.incoming_connections for layer in self.layers])): raise Exception("layers already have connections") for i in range(len(self.layers) - 1): self.connect(self.layers[i].name, self.layers[i+1].name) else: if from_layer_name == to_layer_name: raise Exception("self connections are not allowed") if not isinstance(from_layer_name, str): raise Exception("from_layer_name should be a string") if from_layer_name not in self.layer_dict: raise Exception('unknown layer: %s' % from_layer_name) if not isinstance(to_layer_name, str): raise Exception("to_layer_name should be a string") if to_layer_name not in self.layer_dict: raise Exception('unknown layer: %s' % to_layer_name) from_layer = self.layer_dict[from_layer_name] to_layer = self.layer_dict[to_layer_name] ## NOTE: these could be allowed, I guess: if to_layer in from_layer.outgoing_connections: raise Exception("attempting to duplicate connection: %s to %s" % (from_layer_name, to_layer_name)) from_layer.outgoing_connections.append(to_layer) if from_layer in to_layer.incoming_connections: raise Exception("attempting to duplicate connection: %s to %s" % (to_layer_name, from_layer_name)) ## Check for input going to a Dense to warn: if from_layer.shape and len(from_layer.shape) > 1 and to_layer.CLASS.__name__ == "Dense": print("WARNING: connected multi-dimensional input layer '%s' to layer '%s'; consider adding a FlattenLayer between them" % (,, file=sys.stderr) to_layer.incoming_connections.append(from_layer) ## Post connection hooks: to_layer.on_connect("to", from_layer) from_layer.on_connect("from", to_layer) ## Compute input/target layers: input_layers = [layer for layer in self.layers if layer.kind() == "input"] self.num_input_layers = len(input_layers) self.input_bank_order = [ for layer in input_layers] target_layers = [layer for layer in self.layers if layer.kind() == "output"] self.num_target_layers = len(target_layers) self.output_bank_order = [ for layer in target_layers] ## Set up a layer's input names, as best possible: sequence = topological_sort(self, self.layers) for layer in sequence: if layer.kind() == 'input': layer.input_names = set([]) else: if len(layer.incoming_connections) == 1: layer.input_names = layer.incoming_connections[0].input_names else: layer.input_names = set([item for sublist in [incoming.input_names for incoming in layer.incoming_connections] for item in sublist])
[docs] def depth(self): """ Find the depth of the network graph of connections. """ max_depth = 0 for in_layer_name in self.input_bank_order: for out_layer_name in self.output_bank_order: path = find_path(self, in_layer_name, out_layer_name) if path: max_depth = max(len(list(path)) + 1, max_depth) return max_depth
[docs] def summary(self): """ Print out a summary of the network. """ if self.model: self.model.summary() else: print("Compile network in order to see summary.")
[docs] def reset(self, clear=False, **overrides): """ Reset all of the weights/biases in a network. The magnitude is based on the size of the network. """ self.epoch_count = 0 self.history = [] self.weight_history = {} self.prop_from_dict = {} if self.model: if "seed" in overrides: self.seed = overrides["seed"] np.random.seed(self.seed) del overrides["seed"] # Compile the whole model again: if clear: self.compile_options = {} self.compile_options.update(overrides) self.compile(**self.compile_options)
[docs] def test(self, batch_size=32, show=False, tolerance=None, force=False, show_inputs=True, show_outputs=True, filter="all", interactive=True): """ Test a dataset. """ tolerance = tolerance if tolerance is not None else self.tolerance if len(self.dataset.inputs) == 0: raise Exception("nothing to test") length = len(self.dataset.train_targets) if self.dataset._split == 1.0: ## special case; use entire set inputs = self.dataset._inputs targets = self.dataset._targets else: ## need to split; check format based on output banks: targets = [column[:length] for column in self.dataset._targets] inputs = [column[:length] for column in self.dataset._inputs] if interactive: self._test(inputs, targets, "validation dataset", batch_size, show, tolerance, force, show_inputs, show_outputs, filter, interactive) else: results = self._test(inputs, targets, "validation dataset", batch_size, show, tolerance, force, show_inputs, show_outputs, filter, interactive) categories = {} for i in range(length): label = "%s (%s)" % (self.dataset.labels[i], "correct" if results[i] else "wrong") if not label in categories: categories[label] = [] categories[label].append(self.dataset.inputs[i]) return sorted(categories.items())
def _test(self, inputs, targets, dataset, batch_size=32, show=False, tolerance=None, force=False, show_inputs=True, show_outputs=True, filter="all", interactive=True): """ >>> net = Network("Playback Test", 2, 2, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="sgd") >>> net.dataset.load([ ... [[0, 0], [0]], ... [[0, 1], [1]], ... [[1, 0], [1]], ... [[1, 1], [0]]]) >>> array = net.to_array() >>> net.from_array(np.zeros(len(array))) ## Zero-out weights >>> net._test(net.dataset._inputs, net.dataset._targets, "TEST") ======================================================== Testing TEST with tolerance None... Total count: 4 correct: 0 incorrect: 4 Total percentage correct: 0.0 >>> net._test(net.dataset._inputs, net.dataset._targets, "TEST", show=True) ======================================================== Testing TEST with tolerance None... # | inputs | targets | outputs | result --------------------------------------- 0 | [[0.00,0.00]] | [[0.00]] | [0.50] | X 1 | [[0.00,1.00]] | [[1.00]] | [0.50] | X 2 | [[1.00,0.00]] | [[1.00]] | [0.50] | X 3 | [[1.00,1.00]] | [[0.00]] | [0.50] | X Total count: 4 correct: 0 incorrect: 4 Total percentage correct: 0.0 """ if interactive: print("=" * 56) print("Testing %s with tolerance %.6s..." % (dataset, tolerance)) outputs = self.model.predict(inputs, batch_size=batch_size) ## FYI: outputs not shaped if self.num_target_layers > 1: correct = self.compute_correct(outputs, targets, tolerance) else: ## Warning: ## keras returns outputs as a single column ## conx targets are always multi-column correct = self.compute_correct([outputs], targets, tolerance) count = len(correct) if show: if show_inputs: in_formatted = self.pf_matrix(inputs, force) count = len(in_formatted) if show_outputs: targ_formatted = self.pf_matrix(targets, force) out_formatted = self.pf_matrix(outputs, force) count = len(out_formatted) header = "# | " if show_inputs: header += "inputs | " if show_outputs: header += "targets | outputs | " header += "result" print(header) print("---------------------------------------") for i in range(count): show_it = ((filter == "all") or (filter == "correct" and correct[i]) or (filter == "incorrect" and not correct[i])) if show_it: line = "%d | " % i if show_inputs: line += "%s | " % in_formatted[i] if show_outputs: line += "%s | %s | " % (targ_formatted[i], out_formatted[i]) line += "correct" if correct[i] else "X" print(line) if interactive: print("Total count:", len(correct)) print(" correct:", len([c for c in correct if c])) print(" incorrect:", len([c for c in correct if not c])) print("Total percentage correct:", list(correct).count(True)/len(correct)) else: return list(correct)
[docs] def compute_correct(self, outputs, targets, tolerance=None): """ Both are np.arrays. Return [True, ...]. """ tolerance = tolerance if tolerance is not None else self.tolerance correct = [] for r in range(len(outputs[0])): row = [] for c in range(len(outputs)): row.extend(list(map(lambda v: v <= tolerance, np.abs(outputs[c][r] - targets[c][r])))) correct.append(all(row)) return correct
[docs] def train_one(self, inputs, targets, batch_size=32, update_pictures=False): """ Train on one input/target pair. Inputs should be a vector if one input bank, or a list of vectors if more than one input bank. Targets should be a vector if one output bank, or a list of vectors if more than one output bank. Alternatively, inputs and targets can each be a dictionary mapping bank to vector. Examples: >>> from conx import Network, Layer, SGD, Dataset >>> net = Network("XOR", 2, 2, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.compile(error='mean_squared_error', ... optimizer=SGD(lr=0.3, momentum=0.9)) >>> ds = [[[0, 0], [0]], ... [[0, 1], [1]], ... [[1, 0], [1]], ... [[1, 1], [0]]] >>> net.dataset.load(ds) >>> out, err = net.train_one({"input": [0, 0]}, ... {"output": [0]}) >>> len(out) 1 >>> len(err) 1 >>> from conx import Network, Layer, SGD, Dataset >>> net = Network("XOR2") >>> net.add(Layer("input%d", shape=1)) 'input1' >>> net.add(Layer("input%d", shape=1)) 'input2' >>> net.add(Layer("hidden%d", shape=2, activation="sigmoid")) 'hidden1' >>> net.add(Layer("hidden%d", shape=2, activation="sigmoid")) 'hidden2' >>> net.add(Layer("shared-hidden", shape=2, activation="sigmoid")) 'shared-hidden' >>> net.add(Layer("output%d", shape=1, activation="sigmoid")) 'output1' >>> net.add(Layer("output%d", shape=1, activation="sigmoid")) 'output2' >>> net.connect("input1", "hidden1") >>> net.connect("input2", "hidden2") >>> net.connect("hidden1", "shared-hidden") >>> net.connect("hidden2", "shared-hidden") >>> net.connect("shared-hidden", "output1") >>> net.connect("shared-hidden", "output2") >>> net.compile(error='mean_squared_error', ... optimizer=SGD(lr=0.3, momentum=0.9)) >>> ds = [([[0],[0]], [[0],[0]]), ... ([[0],[1]], [[1],[1]]), ... ([[1],[0]], [[1],[1]]), ... ([[1],[1]], [[0],[0]])] >>> net.dataset.load(ds) >>> net.compile(error='mean_squared_error', ... optimizer=SGD(lr=0.3, momentum=0.9)) >>> out, err = net.train_one({"input1": [0], "input2": [0]}, ... {"output1": [0], "output2": [0]}) >>> len(out) 2 >>> len(err) 2 >>> net.dataset._num_input_banks() 2 >>> net.dataset._num_target_banks() 2 """ if isinstance(inputs, dict): inputs = [inputs[name] for name in self.input_bank_order] if self.num_input_layers == 1: inputs = inputs[0] if isinstance(targets, dict): targets = [targets[name] for name in self.output_bank_order] if self.num_target_layers == 1: targets = targets[0] pairs = [(inputs, targets)] if self.num_input_layers == 1: ins = np.array([pair[0] for pair in pairs], "float32") else: ins = [] for i in range(len(pairs[0][0])): ins.append(np.array([pair[0][i] for pair in pairs], "float32")) if self.num_target_layers == 1: targs = np.array([pair[1] for pair in pairs], "float32") else: targs = [] for i in range(len(pairs[0][1])): targs.append(np.array([pair[1][i] for pair in pairs], "float32")) history =, targs, epochs=1, verbose=0, batch_size=batch_size) ## may need to update history? outputs = self.propagate(inputs, batch_size=batch_size, update_pictures=update_pictures) if len(self.output_bank_order) == 1: errors = (np.array(outputs) - np.array(targets)).tolist() else: errors = [] for bank in range(len(self.output_bank_order)): errors.append((np.array(outputs[bank]) - np.array(targets[bank])).tolist()) if update_pictures: if self.config["show_targets"]: if len(self.output_bank_order) == 1: self.display_component([targets], "targets") else: self.display_component(targets, "targets") if self.config["show_errors"]: ## min max is error: if len(self.output_bank_order) == 1: self.display_component([errors], "errors", minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len(self.output_bank_order)): errors.append( np.array(outputs[bank]) - np.array(targets[bank])) self.display_component(errors, "errors", minmax=(-1, 1)) return (outputs, errors)
[docs] def retrain(self, **overrides): """ Call network.train() again with same options as last call, unless overrides. """ for key in overrides: if key not in self.train_options: raise Exception("Unknown train option: %s" % key) self.train_options.update(overrides) self.train(**self.train_options)
def _compute_result_acc(self, results): """ Compute accuracy from results. There are no val_ items here. """ if "acc" in results: return results["acc"] values = [results[key] for key in results if key.endswith("_acc")] if len(values) > 0: return sum(values)/len(values) else: raise Exception("attempting to find accuracy in results, but there aren't any")
[docs] def evaluate(self, batch_size=32): """ Test the network on the train and test data, returning a dict of results. Example: >>> net = Network("Evaluate", 2, 2, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.compile(error='mean_squared_error', optimizer="adam") >>> ds = [[[0, 0], [0]], ... [[0, 1], [1]], ... [[1, 0], [1]], ... [[1, 1], [0]]] >>> net.dataset.load(ds) >>> net.evaluate() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'loss': ..., 'acc': ...} """ if len(self.dataset.inputs) == 0: raise Exception("no dataset loaded") if self.model is None: raise Exception("need to compile network") (train_inputs, train_targets), (test_inputs, test_targets) = self.dataset._split_data() train_metrics = self.model.evaluate(train_inputs, train_targets, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) results = {k:v for k, v in zip(self.model.metrics_names, train_metrics)} if len(test_inputs) > 0: test_metrics = self.model.evaluate(test_inputs, test_targets, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) results.update({"val_"+k: v for k, v in zip(self.model.metrics_names, test_metrics)}) return results
[docs] def test_dataset_ranges(self): """ Test the dataset ranges to see if in range of activation functions. """ if len(self.dataset.targets) == 0: return # nothing to test for index in range(len(self.dataset._targets)): if len(self.dataset._targets[index].shape) > 2: print("WARNING: network '%s' target bank #%s has a multi-dimensional shape, which is not allowed" % (, index), file=sys.stderr) for index in range(len(self.output_bank_order)): layer_name = self.output_bank_order[index] if self[layer_name].activation == "linear": continue lmin, lmax = self[layer_name].get_act_minmax() # test dataset min to see if in range of act output: if not (lmin <= self.dataset._targets_range[index][0] <= lmax): print("WARNING: output bank '%s' has activation function, '%s', that is not consistent with minimum value of targets" % (layer_name, self[layer_name].activation), file=sys.stderr) # test dataset min to see if in range of act output: if not (lmin <= self.dataset._targets_range[index][1] <= lmax): print("WARNING: output bank '%s' has activation function, '%s', that is not consistent with maximum value of targets" % (layer_name, self[layer_name].activation), file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def train(self, epochs=1, accuracy=None, error=None, batch_size=32, report_rate=1, verbose=1, kverbose=0, shuffle=True, tolerance=None, class_weight=None, sample_weight=None, use_validation_to_stop=False, plot=True, record=0, callbacks=None, save=False): """ Train the network. To stop before number of epochs, give either error=VALUE, or accuracy=VALUE. Normally, it will check training info to stop, unless you use_validation_to_stop = True. Arguments: epochs (int): Maximum number of epochs (sweeps) through training data. accuracy (float): Value of correctness (0.0 - 1.0) to attain in order to stop. Depends on tolerance to determine accuracy. error (float): Error to attain in order to stop. Depends on error function given in `Network.compile`. batch_size (int): Size of batch to train on. report_rate (int): Rate of feedback on learning, in epochs. verbose (int): Level of feedback on training. verbose=0 gives no feedback, but returns (epoch_count, result) kverbose (int): Level of feedback from Keras. shuffle (bool or str): Should the training data be shuffled? 'batch' shuffles in batch-sized chunks. tolerance (float): The maximum difference between target and output that should be considered correct. class_weight (float): sample_weight (float): use_validation_to_stop (bool): If `True`, then accuracy and error will use the validation set rather than the training set. plot (bool): If `True`, then the feedback will be shown in graphical form. record (int): If 'record != 0', the weights will be saved every record number of epochs. callbacks (list): A list of (str, function) where str is 'on_batch_begin', 'on_batch_end', 'on_epoch_begin', 'on_epoch_end', 'on_train_begin', or 'on_train_end', and function takes a network, and other parameters, depending on str. save (bool): If `True`, then the network is saved at end, whether interrupted or not. Returns: tuple: (epoch_count, result) if verbose == 0 None: if verbose != 0 Examples: >>> net = Network("Train Test", 1, 3, 1) >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="rmsprop") >>> net.dataset.append([0.0], [1.0]) >>> net.dataset.append([1.0], [0.0]) >>> net.train(plot=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Evaluating initial training metrics... Training... ... """ self.train_options = { "epochs": epochs, "accuracy": accuracy, "error": error, "batch_size": batch_size, "report_rate": report_rate, "verbose": verbose, "shuffle": shuffle, "class_weight": class_weight, "sample_weight": sample_weight, "tolerance": tolerance, "use_validation_to_stop": use_validation_to_stop, "plot": plot, "record": record, "callbacks": callbacks, "save": save, } if plot: import matplotlib mpl_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() else: mpl_backend = None if self.model is None: raise Exception("need to compile network") if not isinstance(report_rate, numbers.Integral) or report_rate < 1: raise Exception("bad report rate: %s" % (report_rate,)) if not (isinstance(batch_size, numbers.Integral) or batch_size is None): raise Exception("bad batch size: %s" % (batch_size,)) ## Test for targets in range of activation function: self.test_dataset_ranges() if epochs == 0: return if len(self.dataset.inputs) == 0: print("No training data available") return if use_validation_to_stop: if (self.dataset._split == 0): print("Attempting to use validation to stop, but Network.dataset.split() is 0") return elif ((accuracy is None) and (error is None)): print("Attempting to use validation to stop, but neither accuracy nor error was set") return self._need_to_show_headings = True if tolerance is not None: if accuracy is None: raise Exception("tolerance given but unknown accuracy") K.set_value(self._tolerance, tolerance) ## Going to need evaluation on training set in any event: if self.dataset._split == 1.0: ## special case; use entire set inputs = self.dataset._inputs targets = self.dataset._targets else: ## need to split; check format based on output banks: length = len(self.dataset.train_targets) targets = [column[:length] for column in self.dataset._targets] inputs = [column[:length] for column in self.dataset._inputs] if len(self.history) > 0: results = self.history[-1] else: if verbose > 0: print("Evaluating initial training metrics...") values = self.model.evaluate(inputs, targets, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) if not isinstance(values, list): # if metrics is just a single value values = [values] results = {metric: value for metric,value in zip(self.model.metrics_names, values)} results_acc = self._compute_result_acc(results) ## look at split, use validation subset: if self.dataset._split == 0.0: ## None val_results = {} elif self.dataset._split == 1.0: ## special case; use entire set; already done! val_results = {"val_%s" % key: results[key] for key in results} else: # split is greater than 0, less than 1 if verbose > 0: print("Evaluating initial validation metrics...") ## need to split; check format based on output banks: length = len(self.dataset.test_targets) targets = [column[-length:] for column in self.dataset._targets] inputs = [column[-length:] for column in self.dataset._inputs] val_values = self.model.evaluate(inputs, targets, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) val_results = {"val_%s" % metric: value for metric,value in zip(self.model.metrics_names, val_values)} if val_results: val_results_acc = self._compute_result_acc(val_results) if use_validation_to_stop: if ((self.dataset._split > 0) and ((accuracy is not None) or (error is not None))): need_to_train = True if ((accuracy is not None) and (val_results_acc >= accuracy)): print("No training required: validation accuracy already to desired value") need_to_train = False elif ((error is not None) and (val_results["loss"] <= error)): print("No training required: validation error already to desired value") need_to_train = False if not need_to_train: print("Training dataset status:") self.report_epoch(self.epoch_count, results) print("Validation dataset status:") self.report_epoch(self.epoch_count, val_results) return else: ## regular training to stop, use_validation_to_stop is False if ((accuracy is not None) and (results_acc >= accuracy)): print("No training required: accuracy already to desired value") print("Training dataset status:") self.report_epoch(self.epoch_count, results) return elif ((error is not None) and (results["loss"] <= error)): print("No training required: error already to desired value") print("Training dataset status:") self.report_epoch(self.epoch_count, results) return ## Ok, now we know we need to train: results.update(val_results) if len(self.history) == 0: self.history = [results] if record: self.weight_history[0] = self.to_array() if verbose > 0: print("Training...") if self.in_console(mpl_backend) and verbose > 0: self.report_epoch(self.epoch_count, self.history[-1]) interrupted = False kcallbacks = [ History(), ReportCallback(self, verbose, report_rate, mpl_backend, record), ] if accuracy is not None: kcallbacks.append(StoppingCriteria("acc", ">=", accuracy, use_validation_to_stop)) if error is not None: kcallbacks.append(StoppingCriteria("loss", "<=", error, use_validation_to_stop)) if plot: pc = PlotCallback(self, report_rate, mpl_backend) kcallbacks.append(pc) if callbacks is not None: for (on_method, function) in callbacks: kcallbacks.append(FunctionCallback(self, on_method, function)) with _InterruptHandler(self) as handler: if self.dataset._split == 1: result =, self.dataset._targets, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_data=(self.dataset._inputs, self.dataset._targets), callbacks=kcallbacks, shuffle=shuffle, class_weight=class_weight, sample_weight=sample_weight, verbose=kverbose) else: result =, self.dataset._targets, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_split=self.dataset._split, callbacks=kcallbacks, shuffle=shuffle, class_weight=class_weight, sample_weight=sample_weight, verbose=kverbose) if plot: pc.on_epoch_end(-1) if handler.interrupted: interrupted = True if interrupted: if verbose: print("Interrupted! Cleaning up...") last_epoch = self.history[-1] if record: self.weight_history[self.epoch_count] = self.to_array() assert len(self.history) == self.epoch_count+1 # +1 is for epoch 0 if verbose: print("=" * 56) self.report_epoch(self.epoch_count, last_epoch) if save: if verbose: print("Saving network... ", end="") if verbose: print("Saved!") if interrupted: raise KeyboardInterrupt if verbose == 0: return (self.epoch_count, result)
[docs] def report_epoch(self, epoch_count, results): """ Print out stats for the epoch. """ if self._need_to_show_headings: h1 = " " h2 = "Epochs " h3 = "------ " if 'loss' in results: h1 += "| Training " h2 += "| Error " h3 += "| --------- " if 'acc' in results: h1 += "| Training " h2 += "| Accuracy " h3 += "| --------- " if 'val_loss' in results: h1 += "| Validate " h2 += "| Error " h3 += "| --------- " if 'val_acc' in results: h1 += "| Validate " h2 += "| Accuracy " h3 += "| --------- " for other in sorted(results): if other not in ["loss", "acc", "val_loss", "val_acc"]: if not other.endswith("_loss"): w1, w2 = other.replace("_", " ").split(" ", 1) maxlen = max(len(w1), len(w2), 9) h1 += "| " + (("%%%ds " % maxlen) % w1) h2 += "| " + (("%%%ds " % maxlen) % w2) h3 += "| %s " % ("-" * (maxlen)) print(h1) print(h2) print(h3) self._need_to_show_headings = False s = "#%5d " % (epoch_count,) if 'loss' in results: s += "| %9.5f " % (results['loss'],) if 'acc' in results: s += "| %9.5f " % (results['acc'],) if 'val_loss' in results: s += "| %9.5f " % (results['val_loss'],) if 'val_acc' in results: s += "| %9.5f " % (results['val_acc'],) for other in sorted(results): if other not in ["loss", "acc", "val_loss", "val_acc"]: if not other.endswith("_loss"): other_str = other if other.endswith("_acc"): other_str = other[:-4] + " accuracy" s += "| %9.5f " % results[other] print(s)
[docs] def set_dataset(self, dataset): """ Set the dataset for the network. Examples: >>> from conx import Dataset >>> data = [[[0, 0], [0]], ... [[0, 1], [1]], ... [[1, 0], [1]], ... [[1, 1], [0]]] >>> ds = Dataset() >>> ds.load(data) >>> net = Network("Set Dataset Test", 2, 2, 1) >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="adam") >>> net.set_dataset(ds) """ if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset): raise Exception("Network.set_dataset() takes a Dataset object") if is not None: print("INFO: using dataset on a new network, replacing old network", file=sys.stderr) self.dataset = dataset = self self.test_dataset_ranges() self.dataset._verify_network_dataset_match()
[docs] def set_activation(self, layer_name, activation): """ Swap activation function of a layer after compile. """ from keras.models import load_model import keras.activations import tempfile if not isinstance(layer_name, str): raise Exception("layer_name should be a string") if not isinstance(activation, str): activation = activation.__name__ acts = { 'relu': keras.activations.relu, 'sigmoid': keras.activations.sigmoid, 'linear': keras.activations.linear, 'softmax': keras.activations.softmax, 'tanh': keras.activations.tanh, 'elu': keras.activations.elu, 'selu': keras.activations.selu, 'softplus': keras.activations.softplus, 'softsign': keras.activations.softsign, 'hard_sigmoid': keras.activations.hard_sigmoid, } if self.model: self[layer_name].keras_layer.activation = acts[activation] self[layer_name].activation = activation with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: filename = self.model = load_model(filename) else: raise Exception("can't change activation until after compile")
[docs] def get_weights_as_image(self, layer_name, colormap=None): """ Get the weights from the model. >>> net = Network("Weight as Image Test", 2, 2, 5) >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="adam") >>> net.get_weights_as_image("hidden") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=2x2 at ...> """ from matplotlib import cm if not isinstance(layer_name, str): raise Exception("layer_name should be a string") if self.model is None: raise Exception("need to compile network") weights = [layer.get_weights() for layer in self.model.layers if layer_name ==][0] weights = weights[0] # get the weight matrix, not the biases vector = scale_output_for_image(weights, (-5,5), truncate=True) if len(vector.shape) == 1: vector = vector.reshape((1, vector.shape[0])) size = self.config["pixels_per_unit"] new_width = vector.shape[0] * size # in, pixels new_height = vector.shape[1] * size # in, pixels if colormap is None: colormap = get_colormap() if self[layer_name].colormap is None else self[layer_name].colormap try: cm_hot = cm.get_cmap(colormap) except: cm_hot = cm.get_cmap("RdGy") vector = cm_hot(vector) vector = np.uint8(vector * 255) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(vector) image = image.resize((new_height, new_width)) return image
[docs] def get_weights(self, layer_name=None): """ Get the weights from a layer, or the entire model. Examples: >>> net = Network("Weight Test", 2, 2, 5) >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="adam") >>> len(net.get_weights("input")) 0 >>> len(net.get_weights("hidden")) 2 >>> shape(net.get_weights("hidden")[0]) ## weights (2, 2) >>> shape(net.get_weights("hidden")[1]) ## biases (2,) >>> len(net.get_weights("output")) 2 >>> shape(net.get_weights("output")[0]) ## weights (2, 5) >>> shape(net.get_weights("output")[1]) ## biases (5,) >>> net = Network("Weight Get Test", 2, 2, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="sgd") >>> len(net.get_weights()) 3 See also: * `Network.to_array` * `Network.from_array` * `Network.get_weights_as_image` """ if self.model is None: raise Exception("need to compile network") if layer_name is not None: weights = [layer.get_weights() for layer in self.model.layers if layer_name ==][0] return [m.tolist() for m in weights] else: weights = [] for i in range(len(self.model.layers)): w = self.model.layers[i].get_weights() weights.append(w) return weights
[docs] def propagate(self, input, batch_size=32, class_id=None, update_pictures=False, raw=False): """ Propagate an input (in human API) through the network. If visualizing, the network image will be updated. Inputs should be a vector if one input bank, or a list of vectors if more than one input bank. Alternatively, inputs can be a dictionary mapping bank to vector. >>> net = Network("Prop Test", 2, 2, 5) >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="adam") >>> len(net.propagate([0.5, 0.5])) 5 >>> len(net.propagate({"input": [1, 1]})) 5 """ if self.model is None: raise Exception("Need to compile network first") if isinstance(input, dict): input = [input[name] for name in self.input_bank_order] if self.num_input_layers == 1: input = input[0] elif isinstance(input, PIL.Image.Image): input = image_to_array(input) ## End of input setup if not is_array_like(input): raise Exception("inputs should be an array") if raw: outputs = self.model.predict(np.array(input), batch_size=batch_size) elif self.num_input_layers == 1: outputs = self.model.predict(np.array([input]), batch_size=batch_size) else: inputs = [np.array([x], "float32") for x in input] outputs = self.model.predict(inputs, batch_size=batch_size) ## Shape the outputs: if raw: pass elif self.num_target_layers == 1: shape = self[self.output_bank_order[0]].shape try: outputs = outputs[0].reshape(shape).tolist() except: outputs = outputs[0].tolist() # can't reshape; maybe a dynamically changing output else: shapes = [self[layer_name].shape for layer_name in self.output_bank_order] ## FIXME: may not be able to reshape; dynamically changing output outputs = [outputs[i].reshape(shapes[i]).tolist() for i in range(len(self.output_bank_order))] if update_pictures: for layer in self.layers: self.propagate_to(, input, batch_size, class_id=class_id, update_pictures=update_pictures, raw=raw, update_path=False) return outputs
[docs] def propagate_from(self, layer_name, input, output_layer_names=None, batch_size=32, update_pictures=False, raw=False): """ Propagate activations from the given layer name to the output layers. """ if not isinstance(layer_name, str): raise Exception("layer_name should be a string") if layer_name not in self.layer_dict: raise Exception("No such layer '%s'" % layer_name) if isinstance(input, dict): input = [input[name] for name in self.input_bank_order] if self.num_input_layers == 1: input = input[0] elif isinstance(input, PIL.Image.Image): input = image_to_array(input) ## End of input setup if not is_array_like(input): raise Exception("inputs should be an array") if output_layer_names is None: if self.num_target_layers == 1: output_layer_names = [ for layer in self.layers if layer.kind() == "output"] else: output_layer_names = self.output_bank_order else: if isinstance(output_layer_names, str): output_layer_names = [output_layer_names] outputs = [] for output_layer_name in output_layer_names: if (layer_name, output_layer_name) not in self.prop_from_dict: path = find_path(self, layer_name, output_layer_name) # Make a new Input to start here: if self[layer_name].shape is not None: input_k = k = keras.layers.Input(self[layer_name].shape, name=self[layer_name].name) else: input_k = k = keras.layers.Input(shape(input), name=self[layer_name].name) # So that we can display activations here: if (layer_name, layer_name) not in self.prop_from_dict: self.prop_from_dict[(layer_name, layer_name)] = keras.models.Model(inputs=input_k, outputs=k) for layer in path: k = layer.keras_layer(k) if (layer_name, not in self.prop_from_dict: self.prop_from_dict[(layer_name,] = keras.models.Model(inputs=input_k, outputs=k) # Now we should be able to get the prop_from model: prop_model = self.prop_from_dict.get((layer_name, output_layer_name), None) if raw: inputs = input else: inputs = np.array([input]) outputs.append([list(x) for x in prop_model.predict(inputs)][0]) ## FYI: outputs not shaped if update_pictures: if not self._comm: from ipykernel.comm import Comm self._comm = Comm(target_name='conx_svg_control') ## Update from start to rest of graph if self._comm.kernel: ## viz this layer: if self[layer_name].visible: image = self[layer_name].make_image(inputs, config=self.config) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (, layer_name) if self.config["svg_rotate"]: class_id_name += "-rotated" if self.debug: print("propagate_from 1: class_id_name:", class_id_name) self._comm.send({'class': class_id_name, "href": data_uri}) for output_layer_name in output_layer_names: path = find_path(self, layer_name, output_layer_name) if path is not None: for layer in path: if not layer.visible: continue model = self.prop_from_dict[(layer_name,] vector = model.predict(inputs)[0] ## FYI: outputs not shaped image = layer.make_image(vector, config=self.config) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (, if self.config["svg_rotate"]: class_id_name += "-rotated" if self.debug: print("propagate_from 2: class_id_name:", class_id_name) self._comm.send({'class': class_id_name, "href": data_uri}) if raw: return outputs elif len(output_layer_names) == 1: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def display_component(self, vector, component, class_id=None, **opts): """ vector is a list, one each per output layer. component is "errors" or "targets" """ config = copy.copy(self.config) config.update(opts) output_names = self.output_bank_order if self._comm.kernel: for (target, layer_name) in zip(vector, output_names): array = np.array(target) if component == "targets": colormap = self[layer_name].colormap else: colormap = get_error_colormap() image = self[layer_name].make_image(array, colormap, config) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) if class_id is None: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (, layer_name) else: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (class_id, layer_name) if self.debug: print("display_component: sending to class_id:", class_id_name + "_" + component) self._comm.send({'class': class_id_name + "_" + component, "href": data_uri})
[docs] def propagate_to(self, layer_name, inputs, batch_size=32, class_id=None, update_pictures=False, update_path=True, raw=False): """ Computes activation at a layer. Side-effect: updates live SVG. Arguments: layer_name (str) - name of layer to propagate activations to inputs - list of numbers, vector to propagate batch_size (int) - size of batch update_pictures (bool) - send images to notebook SVG images raw (bool) - if True, don't process inputs or outputs """ if not isinstance(layer_name, str): raise Exception("layer_name should be a string") if layer_name not in self.layer_dict: raise Exception('unknown layer: %s' % (layer_name,)) if isinstance(inputs, dict): inputs = [inputs[name] for name in self.input_bank_order] if self.num_input_layers == 1: inputs = inputs[0] elif isinstance(inputs, PIL.Image.Image): inputs = image_to_array(inputs) ## End of input setup if not is_array_like(inputs): raise Exception("inputs should be an array") if raw: outputs = self[layer_name].model.predict(np.array(inputs), batch_size=batch_size) elif self.num_input_layers == 1: outputs = self[layer_name].model.predict(np.array([inputs]), batch_size=batch_size) else: # get just inputs for this layer, in order: vector = [np.array([inputs[self.input_bank_order.index(name)]]) for name in self._get_sorted_input_names(self[layer_name].input_names)] outputs = self[layer_name].model.predict(vector, batch_size=batch_size) ## output shaped below: if update_pictures: if not self._comm: from ipykernel.comm import Comm self._comm = Comm(target_name='conx_svg_control') if self._comm.kernel: if update_path: ## update the whole path, from all inputs to the layer_name, if a path ## don't repeat any updates, so keep track of what you have done: updated = set([]) for input_layer_name in self.input_bank_order: if input_layer_name not in updated: image = self._propagate_to_image(input_layer_name, inputs, raw=raw) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) if class_id is None: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (, input_layer_name) else: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (class_id, input_layer_name) if self.config["svg_rotate"]: class_id_name += "-rotated" if self.debug: print("propagate_to 1: sending to class_id_name:", class_id_name) self._comm.send({'class': class_id_name, "href": data_uri}) updated.add(input_layer_name) path = find_path(self, input_layer_name, layer_name) if path is not None: for layer in path: if layer.visible and layer.model is not None: if not in updated: image = self._propagate_to_image(, inputs, raw=raw) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) if class_id is None: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (, else: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (class_id, if self.config["svg_rotate"]: class_id_name += "-rotated" if self.debug: print("propagate_to 2: sending to class_id_name:", class_id_name) self._comm.send({'class': class_id_name, "href": data_uri}) updated.add( else: # not the whole path, just to the layer_name image = self._propagate_to_image(layer_name, inputs, raw=raw) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) if class_id is None: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (, layer_name) else: class_id_name = "%s_%s" % (class_id, layer_name) if self.config["svg_rotate"]: class_id_name += "-rotated" if self.debug: print("propagate_to 3: sending to class_id_name:", class_id_name) self._comm.send({'class': class_id_name, "href": data_uri}) ## Shape the outputs: if raw: return outputs shape = self[layer_name].shape if shape and all([isinstance(v, numbers.Integral) for v in shape]): try: outputs = outputs[0].reshape(shape).tolist() except: outputs = outputs[0].tolist() else: outputs = outputs[0].tolist() return outputs
def _layer_has_features(self, layer_name): output_shape = self[layer_name].get_output_shape() return (isinstance(output_shape, tuple) and len(output_shape) == 4)
[docs] def propagate_to_features(self, layer_name, inputs, cols=5, resize=None, scale=1.0, html=True, size=None, display=True, class_id=None, update_pictures=False, raw=False): """ if html is True, then generate HTML, otherwise send images. """ from IPython.display import HTML if isinstance(inputs, dict): inputs = [inputs[name] for name in self.input_bank_order] if self.num_input_layers == 1: inputs = inputs[0] elif isinstance(inputs, PIL.Image.Image): inputs = image_to_array(inputs) ## End of input setup if not is_array_like(inputs): raise Exception("inputs should be an array") if not isinstance(layer_name, str): raise Exception("layer_name should be a string") output_shape = self[layer_name].get_output_shape() retval = """<table><tr>""" if self._layer_has_features(layer_name): if html: orig_feature = self[layer_name].feature for i in range(output_shape[3]): self[layer_name].feature = i ## This should return in proper orientation, regardless of rotate setting: image = self.propagate_to_image(layer_name, inputs, class_id=class_id, update_pictures=update_pictures, raw=raw) if resize is not None: image = image.resize(resize) if scale != 1.0: image = image.resize((int(image.size[0] * scale), int(image.size[1] * scale))) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) retval += """<td style="border: 1px solid black;"><img style="image-rendering: pixelated;" class="%s_%s_feature%s" src="%s"/><br/><center>Feature %s</center></td>""" % (, layer_name, i, data_uri, i) if (i + 1) % cols == 0: retval += """</tr><tr>""" retval += "</tr></table>" self[layer_name].feature = orig_feature if display: return HTML(retval) else: return retval else: orig_feature = self[layer_name].feature for i in range(output_shape[3]): self[layer_name].feature = i ## This should return in proper orientation, regardless of rotate setting: image = self.propagate_to_image(layer_name, inputs, class_id=class_id, update_pictures=update_pictures, raw=raw) if resize is not None: image = image.resize(resize) if scale != 1.0: image = image.resize((int(image.size[0] * scale), int(image.size[1] * scale))) data_uri = self._image_to_uri(image) if not self._comm: from ipykernel.comm import Comm self._comm = Comm(target_name='conx_svg_control') if self._comm.kernel: self._comm.send({'class': "%s_%s_feature%s" % (, layer_name, i), "src": data_uri}) self[layer_name].feature = orig_feature else: raise Exception("layer '%s' has no features" % layer_name)
[docs] def propagate_to_image(self, layer_name, input, batch_size=32, resize=None, scale=1.0, class_id=None, update_pictures=False, raw=False): """ Gets an image of activations at a layer. Always returns image in proper orientation. """ orig_rotate = self.config["svg_rotate"] self.config["svg_rotate"] = False image = self._propagate_to_image(layer_name, input, batch_size, resize, scale, class_id, update_pictures, raw) self.config["svg_rotate"] = orig_rotate return image
def _propagate_to_image(self, layer_name, input, batch_size=32, resize=None, scale=1.0, class_id=None, update_pictures=False, raw=False): """ Internal version. Draws to whatever rotation is set. """ if isinstance(input, dict): input = [input[name] for name in self.input_bank_order] if self.num_input_layers == 1: input = input[0] elif isinstance(input, PIL.Image.Image): input = image_to_array(input) ## End of input setup if not is_array_like(input): raise Exception("inputs should be an array") if not isinstance(layer_name, str): raise Exception("layer_name should be a string") outputs = self.propagate_to(layer_name, input, batch_size, class_id=class_id, update_pictures=update_pictures, raw=raw) array = np.array(outputs) image = self[layer_name].make_image(array, config=self.config) if resize is not None: image = image.resize(resize) if scale != 1.0: image = image.resize((int(image.size[0] * scale), int(image.size[1] * scale))) return image
[docs] def plot_activation_map(self, from_layer='input', from_units=(0,1), to_layer='output', to_unit=0, colormap=None, default_from_layer_value=0, resolution=None, act_range=(0,1), show_values=False, title=None, scatter=None, symbols=None, default_symbol="o", format=None, update_pictures=False): """ Plot the activations at a bank/unit given two input units. """ # first do some error checking assert self[from_layer] is not None, "unknown layer: %s" % (from_layer,) assert type(from_units) in (tuple, list) and len(from_units) == 2, \ "expected a pair of ints for the %s units but got %s" % (from_layer, from_units) ix, iy = from_units assert 0 <= ix < self[from_layer].size, "no such %s layer unit: %d" % (from_layer, ix) assert 0 <= iy < self[from_layer].size, "no such %s layer unit: %d" % (from_layer, iy) assert self[to_layer] is not None, "unknown layer: %s" % (to_layer,) assert type(to_unit) is int, "expected an int for the %s unit but got %s" % (to_layer, to_unit) assert 0 <= to_unit < self[to_layer].size, "no such %s layer unit: %d" % (to_layer, to_unit) if colormap is None: colormap = get_colormap() if plt is None: raise Exception("matplotlib was not loaded") act_min, act_max = self[from_layer].get_act_minmax() if act_range is None else act_range out_min, out_max = self[to_layer].get_act_minmax() if resolution is None: resolution = (act_max - act_min) / 50 # 50x50 pixels by default xmin, xmax, xstep = act_min, act_max, resolution ymin, ymax, ystep = act_min, act_max, resolution xspan = xmax - xmin yspan = ymax - ymin xpixels = int(xspan/xstep)+1 ypixels = int(yspan/ystep)+1 mat = np.zeros((ypixels, xpixels)) ovector = self[from_layer].make_dummy_vector(default_from_layer_value) for row in range(ypixels): for col in range(xpixels): # (x,y) corresponds to lower left corner point of pixel x = xmin + xstep*col y = ymin + ystep*row vector = copy.deepcopy(ovector) vector[ix] = x vector[iy] = y activations = self.propagate_from(from_layer, vector, to_layer, update_pictures=update_pictures) mat[row,col] = activations[to_unit] fig, ax = plt.subplots() axim = ax.imshow(mat, origin='lower', cmap=colormap, vmin=out_min, vmax=out_max) if scatter is not None: if isinstance(scatter, dict): scatter = scatter["data"] if len(scatter) == 2 and isinstance(scatter[0], str): scatter = [scatter] for (label, data) in scatter: kwargs = {} args = [] xs = [min(vector[0], act_max - .01) * xpixels for vector in data] ys = [min(vector[1], act_max - .01) * ypixels for vector in data] if label: kwargs["label"] = label symbol = get_symbol(label, symbols, default_symbol) if symbol: args.append(symbol) ax.plot(xs, ys, *args, **kwargs) ax.legend() if title is not None: ax.set_title("Activation of %s[%s]: %s" % (to_layer, to_unit, title)) else: ax.set_title("Activation of %s[%s]" % (to_layer, to_unit)) ax.set_xlabel("%s[%s]" % (from_layer, ix)) ax.set_ylabel("%s[%s]" % (from_layer, iy)) ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.set_xticks([i*(xpixels-1)/4 for i in range(5)]) ax.set_xticklabels([xmin+i*xspan/4 for i in range(5)]) ax.set_yticks([i*(ypixels-1)/4 for i in range(5)]) ax.set_yticklabels([ymin+i*yspan/4 for i in range(5)]) cbar = fig.colorbar(axim) if format is None: else: from IPython.display import SVG bytes = io.BytesIO() if format == "svg": plt.savefig(bytes, format="svg") plt.close(fig) img_bytes = bytes.getvalue() return SVG(img_bytes.decode()) elif format == "image": plt.savefig(bytes, format="png") plt.close(fig) pil_image = return pil_image else: raise Exception("format must be None, 'svg', or 'image'") # optionally print out a table of activation values if show_values: s = '\n' for y in np.linspace(act_max, act_min, 20): for x in np.linspace(act_min, act_max, 20): vector = [default_from_layer_value] * self[from_layer].size vector[ix] = x vector[iy] = y out = self.propagate_from(from_layer, vector, to_layer)[to_unit] s += '%4.2f ' % out s += '\n' separator = 100 * '-' s += separator print("%s\nActivation of %s[%d] as a function of %s[%d] and %s[%d]" % (separator, to_layer, to_unit, from_layer, ix, from_layer, iy)) print("rows: %s[%d] decreasing from %.2f to %.2f" % (from_layer, iy, act_max, act_min)) print("cols: %s[%d] increasing from %.2f to %.2f" % (from_layer, ix, act_min, act_max)) print(s)
[docs] def plot_layer_weights(self, layer_name, units='all', wrange=None, wmin=None, wmax=None, colormap='gray', vshape=None, cbar=True, ticks=5, figsize=(12,3), format=None): """weight range displayed on the colorbar can be specified as wrange=(wmin, wmax), or individually via wmin/wmax keywords. if wmin or wmax is None, the actual min/max value of the weight matrix is used. wrange overrides provided wmin/wmax values. ticks is the number of colorbar ticks displayed. cbar=False turns off the colorbar. units can be a single unit index number or a list/tuple/range of indices. """ if self[layer_name] is None: raise Exception("unknown layer: %s" % (layer_name,)) if units == 'all': units = list(range(self[layer_name].size)) elif isinstance(units, numbers.Integral): units = [units] elif not isinstance(units, (list, tuple, range)) or len(units) == 0: raise Exception("units: expected an int or sequence of ints, but got %s" % (units,)) for unit in units: if not 0 <= unit < self[layer_name].size: raise Exception("no such unit: %s" % (unit,)) W, b = self[layer_name].keras_layer.get_weights() W = W.transpose() to_size, from_size = W.shape if vshape is None: rows, cols = 1, from_size elif not isinstance(vshape, (list, tuple)) or len(vshape) != 2 \ or not isinstance(vshape[0], numbers.Integral) \ or not isinstance(vshape[1], numbers.Integral): raise Exception("vshape: expected a pair of ints but got %s" % (vshape,)) else: rows, cols = vshape if rows*cols != from_size: raise Exception("vshape %s is incompatible with the number of incoming weights to each %s unit (%d)" % (vshape, layer_name, from_size)) aspect_ratio = max(rows,cols)/min(rows,cols) #print("aspect_ratio is", aspect_ratio) if aspect_ratio > 50: # threshold may need further refinement print("WARNING: using a visual display shape of (%d, %d), which may be hard to see." % (rows, cols), file=sys.stderr) print("You can use vshape=(rows, cols) to specify a different display shape.") if not isinstance(wmin, (numbers.Number, type(None))): raise Exception("wmin: expected a number or None but got %s" % (wmin,)) if not isinstance(wmax, (numbers.Number, type(None))): raise Exception("wmax: expected a number or None but got %s" % (wmax,)) if wrange is None: if wmin is None: wmin = np.min(W) wmin_label = '0' if wmin == 0 else '%+.2f' % (wmin,) else: wmin_label = r'$\leq$ 0' if wmin == 0 else r'$\leq$ %+.2f' % (wmin,) if wmax is None: wmax = np.max(W) wmax_label = '0' if wmax == 0 else '%+.2f' % (wmax,) else: wmax_label = r'$\geq$ 0' if wmax == 0 else r'$\geq$ %+.2f' % (wmax,) elif not isinstance(wrange, (list, tuple)) or len(wrange) != 2 \ or not isinstance(wrange[0], (numbers.Number, type(None))) \ or not isinstance(wrange[1], (numbers.Number, type(None))): raise Exception("wrange: expected a pair of numbers but got %s" % (wrange,)) else: # wrange overrides provided wmin/wmax values wmin, wmax = wrange return self.plot_layer_weights(layer_name, units, None, wmin, wmax, colormap, vshape, cbar, ticks, figsize) if wmin >= wmax: raise Exception("specified weight range is empty") if not isinstance(ticks, numbers.Integral) or ticks < 2: raise Exception("invalid number of colorbar ticks: %s" % (ticks,)) # clip weights to the range [wmin, wmax] and normalize to [0, 1]: scaled_W = (np.clip(W, wmin, wmax) - wmin) / (wmax - wmin) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(units), figsize=figsize) if len(units) == 1: axes = [axes] for unit, ax in zip(units, axes): ax.axis('off') ax.set_title('weights to %s[%d]' % (layer_name, unit)) im = scaled_W[unit,:].reshape((rows, cols)) axim = ax.imshow(im, cmap=colormap, vmin=0, vmax=1) if cbar: tick_locations = np.linspace(0, 1, ticks) tick_values = tick_locations * (wmax - wmin) + wmin colorbar = fig.colorbar(axim, ticks=tick_locations) cbar_labels = ['0' if t == 0 else '%+.2f' % (t,) for t in tick_values] cbar_labels[0] = wmin_label cbar_labels[-1] = wmax_label if format is None: else: from IPython.display import SVG bytes = io.BytesIO() if format == "svg": plt.savefig(bytes, format="svg") plt.close(fig) img_bytes = bytes.getvalue() return SVG(img_bytes.decode()) elif format == "image": plt.savefig(bytes, format="png") plt.close(fig) pil_image = return pil_image else: raise Exception("format must be None, 'svg', or 'image'")
[docs] def show_unit_weights(self, layer_name, unit, vshape=None, ascii=False): if self[layer_name] is None: raise Exception("unknown layer: %s" % (layer_name,)) W, b = self[layer_name].keras_layer.get_weights() W = W.transpose() to_size, from_size = W.shape if vshape is None: rows, cols = 1, from_size elif not isinstance(vshape, (list, tuple)) or len(vshape) != 2 \ or not isinstance(vshape[0], numbers.Integral) \ or not isinstance(vshape[1], numbers.Integral): raise Exception("vshape: expected a pair of ints but got %s" % (vshape,)) else: rows, cols = vshape if rows*cols != from_size: raise Exception("vshape %s is incompatible with the number of incoming weights to each %s unit (%d)" % (vshape, layer_name, from_size)) weights = W[unit].reshape((rows,cols)) for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): w = weights[r][c] if ascii: ch = ' ' if w <= 0 else '.' if w < 0.50 else 'o' if w < 0.75 else '@' print(ch, end=" ") else: print('%5.2f' % (w,), end=" ") print()
[docs] def get_metrics(self): """ Returns a list of the metrics available in the Network's history. """ metrics = set() for epoch in self.history: metrics = metrics.union(set(epoch.keys())) return sorted(metrics)
[docs] def get_metric(self, metric): """ Returns the metric data from the network's history. >>> net = Network("Test", 2, 2, 1) >>> net.get_metric("loss") [] """ return [epoch[metric] if metric in epoch else None for epoch in self.history]
[docs] def plot(self, metrics=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, start=0, end=None, legend='best', label=None, symbols=None, default_symbol="-", title=None, return_fig_ax=False, fig_ax=None, format=None): """Plots the current network history for the specific epoch range and metrics. metrics is '?', 'all', a metric keyword, or a list of metric keywords. if metrics is None, loss and accuracy are plotted on separate graphs. >>> net = Network("Plot Test", 1, 3, 1) >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="rmsprop") >>> net.dataset.append([0.0], [1.0]) >>> net.dataset.append([1.0], [0.0]) >>> net.train(plot=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Evaluating initial training metrics... Training... ... >>> net.plot('?') Available metrics: acc, loss """ ## ## if isinstance(ymin, str): raise Exception("Network.plot() should be called with a metric, or list of metrics") if len(self.history) == 0: print("No history available") return available_metrics = self.get_metrics() if metrics is None: metrics = ['loss'] elif metrics is '?': print("Available metrics:", ", ".join(available_metrics)) return elif metrics == 'all': metrics = available_metrics elif isinstance(metrics, str): metrics = [metrics] elif isinstance(metrics, (list, tuple)): pass else: print("metrics: expected a list or a string but got %s" % (metrics,)) return ## Check metrics, and expand regular expressions: proposed_metrics = metrics metrics = [] for metric in proposed_metrics: for available_metric in available_metrics: if re.match(metric, available_metric) is not None: metrics.append(available_metric) if fig_ax: fig, ax = fig_ax else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) x_values = range(self.epoch_count+1) x_values = x_values[start:end] ax.set_xlabel('Epoch') data_found = False for metric in metrics: y_values = self.get_metric(metric) y_values = y_values[start:end] if y_values.count(None) == len(y_values): print("WARNING: No %s data available for the specified epochs (%s-%s)" % (metric, start, end), file=sys.stderr) else: next_label = label if label else metric symbol = get_symbol(label, symbols, default_symbol) ax.plot(x_values, y_values, symbol, label=next_label) data_found = True if not data_found: if return_fig_ax: return (fig, ax) else: plt.close(fig) return if ymin is not None: plt.ylim(ymin=ymin) if ymax is not None: plt.ylim(ymax=ymax) if legend is not None: plt.legend(loc=legend) if title is None: title = plt.title(title) if return_fig_ax: return (fig, ax) elif format is None: else: from IPython.display import SVG bytes = io.BytesIO() if format == "svg": plt.savefig(bytes, format="svg") plt.close(fig) img_bytes = bytes.getvalue() return SVG(img_bytes.decode()) elif format == "image": plt.savefig(bytes, format="png") plt.close(fig) pil_image = return pil_image else: raise Exception("format must be None, 'svg', or 'image'")
[docs] def show_results(self, report_rate=None): """ Show the history of training results. If report_rate is given use that, else, try to use the last trained report_rate. """ report_rate = (report_rate if report_rate is not None else self.train_options.get("report_rate", 1)) self._need_to_show_headings = True for epoch_count in range(0, len(self.history), report_rate): results = self.history[epoch_count] self.report_epoch(epoch_count, results) if len(self.history) > 0: print("=" * 56) self.report_epoch(len(self.history) - 1, self.history[-1])
[docs] def plot_results(self, callback=None, format=None): """plots loss and accuracy on separate graphs, ignoring any other metrics""" #print("called on_epoch_end with epoch =", epoch) metrics = self.get_metrics() if callback is not None and callback.figure is not None: # figure and axes objects have already been created fig, loss_ax, acc_ax = callback.figure loss_ax.clear() if acc_ax is not None: acc_ax.clear() else: # first time called, so create figure and axes objects if 'acc' in metrics or 'val_acc' in metrics: fig, (loss_ax, acc_ax) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,4)) else: fig, loss_ax = plt.subplots(1) acc_ax = None if callback is not None: callback.figure = fig, loss_ax, acc_ax x_values = range(self.epoch_count+1) for metric in metrics: y_values = self.get_metric(metric) if metric == 'loss': loss_ax.plot(x_values, y_values, label='Training set') elif metric == 'val_loss': loss_ax.plot(x_values, y_values, label='Validation set') elif metric == 'acc' and acc_ax is not None: acc_ax.plot(x_values, y_values, label='Training set') elif metric == 'val_acc' and acc_ax is not None: acc_ax.plot(x_values, y_values, label='Validation set') loss_ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) loss_ax.set_title("%s: Error" % (,)) loss_ax.set_xlabel('Epoch') loss_ax.legend(loc='best') if acc_ax is not None: acc_ax.set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) acc_ax.set_title("%s: Accuracy" % (,)) acc_ax.set_xlabel('Epoch') acc_ax.legend(loc='best') if (callback is not None and not callback.in_console) or format == "svg": from IPython.display import SVG, clear_output, display bytes = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(bytes, format='svg') img_bytes = bytes.getvalue() clear_output(wait=True) display(SVG(img_bytes.decode())) #return SVG(img_bytes.decode()) else: # format is None plt.pause(0.01)
[docs] def compile(self, **kwargs): """ Check and compile the network. You must provide error/loss and optimizer keywords. Possible error/loss functions are: * 'mse' - mean_squared_error * 'mae' - mean_absolute_error * 'mape' - mean_absolute_percentage_error * 'msle' - mean_squared_logarithmic_error * 'kld' - kullback_leibler_divergence * 'cosine' - cosine_proximity Possible optimizers are: * 'sgd' * 'rmsprop' * 'adagrad' * 'adadelta' * 'adam' * 'adamax' * 'nadam' See `Model.compile` method for more details. """ ## Error checking: if len(self.layers) == 0: raise Exception("network has no layers") for layer in self.layers: if layer.kind() == 'unconnected': raise Exception("'%s' layer is unconnected" % if "error" in kwargs: # synonym kwargs["loss"] = kwargs["error"] del kwargs["error"] if kwargs["loss"] == 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy': raise Exception("'sparse_categorical_crossentropy' is not a valid error metric in conx; use 'categorical_crossentropy' with proper targets") if "optimizer" not in kwargs or "loss" not in kwargs: raise Exception("both optimizer and error/loss are required to compile a network") if isinstance(kwargs["optimizer"], str) and kwargs["optimizer"].lower() not in self.OPTIMIZERS: raise Exception("invalid optimizer '%s'; use valid function or one of %s" % (kwargs["optimizer"], Network.OPTIMIZERS,)) ## Build an optimizer: config = kwargs.get("config", {}) for kw in list(kwargs.keys()): if kw not in ["loss", "metrics", "optimizer"]: if kw != "config": config[kw] = kwargs[kw] del kwargs[kw] if config != {}: error = False try: kwargs["optimizer"] = keras.optimizers.get({"class_name": kwargs["optimizer"], "config": config}) except: error = True if error: class_instance = keras.optimizers.get(kwargs["optimizer"]) raise Exception("invalid optimizer arguments %s(**%s); for more information type: help(cx.%s)" % ( kwargs["optimizer"], config, class_instance.__class__.__name__)) ### Optimizer is an instance, if given kwargs using_softmax = False for layer in self.layers: if layer.kind() == "output": if layer.activation is not None and layer.activation == "softmax": using_softmax = True if "crossentropy" not in kwargs["loss"]: print("WARNING: you are using the 'softmax' activation function on layer '%s'" %, file=sys.stderr) print(" but not using a 'crossentropy' error measure.", file=sys.stderr) if "crossentropy" in kwargs["loss"]: if layer.activation is not None and layer.activation != "softmax": print("WARNING: you are using a crossentropy error measure", file=sys.stderr) print(" but not using the 'softmax' activation function on layer '%s'" %, file=sys.stderr) self._build_intermediary_models() output_k_layers = self._get_output_ks_in_order() input_k_layers = self._get_input_ks_in_order(self.input_bank_order) self.model = keras.models.Model(inputs=input_k_layers, outputs=output_k_layers) if "metrics" in kwargs and kwargs["metrics"] is not None: pass ## ok allow override elif using_softmax: ## let's use Keras' default acc function kwargs['metrics'] = ["acc"] ## Keras' default if "tolerance" in kwargs: print("WARNING: using softmax activation function; tolerance is ignored", file=sys.stderr) else: kwargs['metrics'] = [self.acc] ## Conx's default self.compile_options = copy.copy(kwargs) self.model.compile(**kwargs) # set each conx layer to point to corresponding keras model layer for layer in self.layers: layer.keras_layer = self._find_keras_layer(
[docs] def acc(self, targets, outputs): # This is only used on non-multi-output-bank training: return K.mean(K.all(K.less_equal(K.abs(targets - outputs), self._tolerance), axis=-1), axis=-1)
def _find_keras_layer(self, layer_name): """ Find the associated keras layer. """ return [x for x in self.model.layers if == layer_name][0] def _delete_intermediary_models(self): """ Remove these, as they don't pickle. """ for layer in self.layers: layer.k = None layer.input_names = set([]) layer.model = None
[docs] def update_model(self): """ Useful if you change, say, an activation function after training. """ self._build_intermediary_models()
def _build_intermediary_models(self): """ Construct the layer.k, layer.input_names, and layer.model's. """ sequence = topological_sort(self, self.layers) if self.debug: print("topological sort:", [ for l in sequence]) for layer in sequence: if layer.kind() == 'input': if self.debug: print("making input layer for", layer.k = layer.make_input_layer_k() layer.input_names = set([]) layer.model = keras.models.Model(inputs=layer.k, outputs=layer.k) # identity else: if self.debug: print("making layer for", if len(layer.incoming_connections) == 0: raise Exception("non-input layer '%s' with no incoming connections" % kfuncs = layer.make_keras_functions() if len(layer.incoming_connections) == 1: if self.debug: print("single input", layer.incoming_connections[0]) k = layer.incoming_connections[0].k layer.input_names = layer.incoming_connections[0].input_names else: # multiple inputs, some type of merge: if self.debug: print("Merge detected!", [ for l in layer.incoming_connections]) if layer.handle_merge: k = layer.make_keras_function() else: k = keras.layers.Concatenate()([incoming.k for incoming in layer.incoming_connections]) # flatten: layer.input_names = set([item for sublist in [incoming.input_names for incoming in layer.incoming_connections] for item in sublist]) if self.debug: print("input names for",, layer.input_names) if self.debug: print("applying k's", kfuncs) for f in kfuncs: k = f(k) layer.k = k ## get the inputs to this branch, in order: input_ks = self._get_input_ks_in_order(layer.input_names) layer.model = keras.models.Model(inputs=input_ks, outputs=layer.k) ## IS THIS A BETTER WAY?: #layer.model = keras.models.Model(inputs=input_ks, outputs=layer.keras_layer.output) def _get_input_ks_in_order(self, layer_names): """ Get the Keras function for each of a set of layer names. [in3, in4] sorted by input bank ordering """ sorted_layer_names = self._get_sorted_input_names(set(layer_names)) layer_ks = [self[layer_name].k for layer_name in sorted_layer_names] if len(layer_ks) == 1: layer_ks = layer_ks[0] return layer_ks def _get_sorted_input_names(self, layer_names): """ Given a set of input names, give them back in order. """ return [name for (index, name) in sorted([(self.input_bank_order.index(name), name) for name in layer_names])] def _get_output_ks_in_order(self): """ Get the Keras function for each output layer, in order. """ layer_ks = [self[layer_name].k for layer_name in self.output_bank_order] if len(layer_ks) == 1: layer_ks = layer_ks[0] return layer_ks def _image_to_uri(self, img_src): # Convert to binary data: b = io.BytesIO() try:, format='gif') except: return "" data = b.getvalue() data = base64.b64encode(data) if not isinstance(data, str): data = data.decode("latin1") return "data:image/gif;base64,%s" % html.escape(data)
[docs] def vshape(self, layer_name): """ Find the vshape of layer. """ layer = self[layer_name] vshape = layer.vshape if layer.vshape else layer.shape if layer.shape else None if vshape is None: vshape = layer.get_output_shape() return vshape
[docs] def build_struct(self, inputs, class_id, config): ordering = list(reversed(self._get_level_ordering())) # list of names per level, input to output ### find max_width, image_dims, and row_height max_width = 0 images = {} image_dims = {} row_height = [] # Go through and build images, compute max_width: for level_tups in ordering: ## output to input: # first make all images at this level total_width = 0 # for this row max_height = 0 for (layer_name, anchor, fname) in level_tups: if not self[layer_name].visible or anchor: # not need to handle anchors here continue if inputs is not None: v = inputs elif len(self.dataset.inputs) > 0: v = self.dataset.inputs[0] else: if self.num_input_layers > 1: v = [] for in_name in self.input_bank_order: v.append(self[in_name].make_dummy_vector()) else: in_layer = [layer for layer in self.layers if layer.kind() == "input"][0] v = in_layer.make_dummy_vector() if self[layer_name].model: try: orig_svg_rotate = self.config["svg_rotate"] self.config["svg_rotate"] = config["svg_rotate"] image = self._propagate_to_image(layer_name, v) self.config["svg_rotate"] = orig_svg_rotate except: image = self[layer_name].make_image(np.array(self[layer_name].make_dummy_vector()), config=config) else: image = self[layer_name].make_image(np.array(self[layer_name].make_dummy_vector()), config=config) (width, height) = image.size images[layer_name] = image ## little image ### Layer settings: if self[layer_name].image_maxdim: image_maxdim = self[layer_name].image_maxdim else: image_maxdim = config["image_maxdim"] if self[layer_name].image_pixels_per_unit: image_pixels_per_unit = self[layer_name].image_pixels_per_unit else: image_pixels_per_unit = config["image_pixels_per_unit"] ## First, try based on shape: #pwidth, pheight = np.array(image.size) * image_pixels_per_unit vshape = self.vshape(layer_name) if vshape is None: pass # leave it define by image elif len(vshape) == 1: if vshape[0] is not None: width = vshape[0] * image_pixels_per_unit height = image_pixels_per_unit elif len(vshape) >= 2: if vshape[0] is not None: height = vshape[0] * image_pixels_per_unit if vshape[1] is not None: width = vshape[1] * image_pixels_per_unit else: if len(vshape) > 2: if vshape[1] is not None: height = vshape[1] * image_pixels_per_unit width = vshape[2] * image_pixels_per_unit elif vshape[1] is not None: # flatten width = vshape[1] * image_pixels_per_unit height = image_pixels_per_unit ## make sure not too small: if width < image_pixels_per_unit: width = image_pixels_per_unit if height < image_pixels_per_unit: height = image_pixels_per_unit ## make sure not too big: if height > image_maxdim: height = image_maxdim if width > image_maxdim: width = image_maxdim image_dims[layer_name] = (width, height) total_width += width + config["hspace"] # space between max_height = max(max_height, height) row_height.append(max_height) max_width = max(max_width, total_width) ### Now that we know the dimensions: struct = [] cheight = config["border_top"] # top border ## Display targets? if config["show_targets"]: # Find the spacing for row: for (layer_name, anchor, fname) in ordering[0]: if not self[layer_name].visible: continue image = images[layer_name] (width, height) = image_dims[layer_name] spacing = max_width / (len(ordering[0]) + 1) # draw the row of targets: cwidth = 0 for (layer_name, anchor, fname) in ordering[0]: ## no anchors in output image = images[layer_name] (width, height) = image_dims[layer_name] cwidth += (spacing - width/2) struct.append(["image_svg", {"name": layer_name + "_targets", "svg_counter": self._svg_counter, "x": cwidth, "y": cheight, "image": self._image_to_uri(image), "width": width, "height": height, "tooltip": self[layer_name].tooltip(), "rx": cwidth - 1, # based on arrow width "ry": cheight - 1, "rh": height + 2, "rw": width + 2}]) ## show a label struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": cwidth + width + 5, "y": cheight + height/2 + 2, "label": "targets", "font_size": config["font_size"], "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) cwidth += width/2 ## Then we need to add height for output layer again, plus a little bit cheight += row_height[0] + 10 # max height of row, plus some ## Display error? if config["show_errors"]: # Find the spacing for row: for (layer_name, anchor, fname) in ordering[0]: # no anchors in output if not self[layer_name].visible: continue image = images[layer_name] (width, height) = image_dims[layer_name] spacing = max_width / (len(ordering[0]) + 1) # draw the row of errors: cwidth = 0 for (layer_name, anchor, fname) in ordering[0]: # no anchors in output image = images[layer_name] (width, height) = image_dims[layer_name] cwidth += (spacing - (width/2)) struct.append(["image_svg", {"name": layer_name + "_errors", "svg_counter": self._svg_counter, "x": cwidth, "y": cheight, "image": self._image_to_uri(image), "width": width, "height": height, "tooltip": self[layer_name].tooltip(), "rx": cwidth - 1, # based on arrow width "ry": cheight - 1, "rh": height + 2, "rw": width + 2}]) ## show a label struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": cwidth + width + 5, "y": cheight + height/2 + 2, "label": "errors", "font_size": config["font_size"], "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) cwidth += width/2 ## Then we need to add height for output layer again, plus a little bit cheight += row_height[0] + 10 # max height of row, plus some # Now we go through again and build SVG: positioning = {} level_num = 0 for level_tups in ordering: spacing = max_width / (len(level_tups) + 1) cwidth = 0 # See if there are any connections up: any_connections_up = False for (layer_name, anchor, fname) in level_tups: if not self[layer_name].visible or anchor: continue for out in self[layer_name].outgoing_connections: if not in positioning: continue any_connections_up = True if any_connections_up: cheight += config["vspace"] # for arrows else: # give a bit of room: ## FIXME: determine if there were spaces drawn last layer ## Right now, just skip any space at all ## cheight += 5 pass max_height = 0 # for row of images for (layer_name, anchor, fname) in level_tups: if not self[layer_name].visible: continue if anchor: anchor_name = "%s-%s-anchor%s" % (layer_name, fname, level_num) cwidth += spacing positioning[anchor_name] = {"x": cwidth, "y": cheight} x1 = cwidth ## now we are at an anchor. Is the thing that it anchors in the ## lower row? level_num is increasing prev = [(oname, oanchor, lfname) for (oname, oanchor, lfname) in ordering[level_num - 1] if (((layer_name == oname) and (oanchor is False)) or ((layer_name == oname) and (oanchor is True) and (fname == lfname)))] if prev: tooltip = html.escape(self.describe_connection_to(self[fname], self[layer_name])) if prev[0][1]: # anchor anchor_name2 = "%s-%s-anchor%s" % (layer_name, fname, level_num - 1) ## draw a line to this anchor point x2 = positioning[anchor_name2]["x"] y2 = positioning[anchor_name2]["y"] struct.append(["line_svg", {"x1":cwidth, "y1":cheight, "x2":x2, "y2":y2, "arrow_color": config["arrow_color"], "tooltip": tooltip }]) else: ## draw a line to this bank x2 = positioning[layer_name]["x"] + positioning[layer_name]["width"]/2 y2 = positioning[layer_name]["y"] + positioning[layer_name]["height"] tootip ="TODO" struct.append(["arrow_svg", {"x1":cwidth, "y1":cheight, "x2":x2, "y2":y2, "arrow_color": config["arrow_color"], "tooltip": tooltip }]) else: print("that's weird!", layer_name, "is not in", prev) continue else: image = images[layer_name] (width, height) = image_dims[layer_name] cwidth += (spacing - (width/2)) positioning[layer_name] = {"name": layer_name + ("-rotated" if config["svg_rotate"] else ""), "svg_counter": self._svg_counter, "x": cwidth, "y": cheight, "image": self._image_to_uri(image), "width": width, "height": height, "tooltip": self[layer_name].tooltip(), "rx": cwidth - 1, # based on arrow width "ry": cheight - 1, "rh": height + 2, "rw": width + 2} x1 = cwidth + width/2 y1 = cheight - 1 #### Background rects for arrow mouseovers # for out in self[layer_name].outgoing_connections: # if not in positioning: # continue # # draw background to arrows to allow mouseover tooltips: # x2 = positioning[]["x"] + positioning[]["width"]/2 # y2 = positioning[]["y"] + positioning[]["height"] # rect_width = abs(x1 - x2) # rect_extra = 0 # if rect_width < 20: # rect_extra = 10 # tooltip = html.escape(self.describe_connection_to(self[layer_name], out)) # svg += arrow_rect.format(**{"tooltip": tooltip, # "rx": min(x2, x1) - rect_extra, # "ry": min(y2, y1) + 2, # bring down # "rw": rect_width + rect_extra * 2, # "rh": abs(y1 - y2) - 2}) # Draw all of the connections up from here: for out in self[layer_name].outgoing_connections: if not in positioning: continue # draw an arrow between layers: anchor_name = "%s-%s-anchor%s" % (, layer_name, level_num - 1) ## Don't draw this error, if there is an anchor in the next level if anchor_name in positioning: tooltip = html.escape(self.describe_connection_to(self[layer_name], out)) x2 = positioning[anchor_name]["x"] y2 = positioning[anchor_name]["y"] struct.append(["line_svg", {"x1":x1, "y1":y1, "x2":x2, "y2":y2, "arrow_color": config["arrow_color"], "tooltip": tooltip }]) continue else: tooltip = html.escape(self.describe_connection_to(self[layer_name], out)) x2 = positioning[]["x"] + positioning[]["width"]/2 y2 = positioning[]["y"] + positioning[]["height"] struct.append(["arrow_svg", {"x1":x1, "y1":y1, "x2":x2, "y2":y2 + 2, "arrow_color": config["arrow_color"], "tooltip": tooltip }]) struct.append(["image_svg", positioning[layer_name]]) struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": positioning[layer_name]["x"] + positioning[layer_name]["width"] + 5, "y": positioning[layer_name]["y"] + positioning[layer_name]["height"]/2 + 2, "label": layer_name, "font_size": config["font_size"], "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) output_shape = self[layer_name].get_output_shape() if (isinstance(output_shape, tuple) and len(output_shape) == 4 and self[layer_name].__class__.__name__ != "ImageLayer"): features = str(output_shape[3]) feature = str(self[layer_name].feature) if config["svg_rotate"]: struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": positioning[layer_name]["x"] + 5, "y": positioning[layer_name]["y"] - 10 - 5, "label": features, "font_size": config["font_size"], "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": positioning[layer_name]["x"] + positioning[layer_name]["width"] - 10, "y": positioning[layer_name]["y"] + positioning[layer_name]["height"] + 10 + 5, "label": feature, "font_size": config["font_size"], "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) else: struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": positioning[layer_name]["x"] + positioning[layer_name]["width"] + 5, "y": positioning[layer_name]["y"] + 5, "label": features, "font_size": config["font_size"], "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": positioning[layer_name]["x"] - (len(feature) * 7) - 5 - 5, "y": positioning[layer_name]["y"] + positioning[layer_name]["height"] - 5, "label": feature, "font_size": config["font_size"], "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) if (self[layer_name].dropout > 0): label = "&#10683;" struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": positioning[layer_name]["x"] - len(label) * 2.0 - 5, "y": positioning[layer_name]["y"] + 5, "label": label, "font_size": config["font_size"] * 2.0, "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "start", }]) cwidth += width/2 max_height = max(max_height, height) self._svg_counter += 1 cheight += max_height level_num += 1 cheight += config["border_bottom"] ### DONE! ## Draw live/static sign if (class_id is None): label = "*" # lightning bold, dynamic image if config["svg_rotate"]: struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": 10, "y": cheight - 10, "label": label, "font_size": config["font_size"] * 2.0, "font_color": "red", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "middle", }]) else: struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": 10, "y": 10, "label": label, "font_size": config["font_size"] * 2.0, "font_color": "red", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "middle", }]) ## Draw the title: if config["svg_rotate"]: struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": 10, ## really border_left "y": cheight/2, "label":, "font_size": config["font_size"] + 3, "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "middle", }]) else: struct.append(["label_svg", {"x": max_width/2, "y": config["border_top"]/2, "label":, "font_size": config["font_size"] + 3, "font_color": "black", "font_family": config["font_family"], "text_anchor": "middle", }]) ## figure out scale optimal, if scale is None ## the fraction: if config["svg_scale"] is not None: ## scale is given: if config["svg_rotate"]: scale_value = (config["svg_max_width"] / cheight) * config["svg_scale"] else: scale_value = (config["svg_max_width"] / max_width) * config["svg_scale"] else: if config["svg_rotate"]: scale_value = config["svg_max_width"] / max(cheight, max_width) else: scale_value = config["svg_preferred_size"] / max(cheight, max_width) svg_scale = "%s%%" % int(scale_value * 100) scaled_width = (max_width * scale_value) scaled_height = (cheight * scale_value) ### Need a top-level width, height because Jupyter peeks at it if config["svg_rotate"]: svg_transform = """ transform="rotate(90) translate(0 -%s)" """ % scaled_height ### Swap them: top_width = scaled_height top_height = scaled_width else: svg_transform = "" top_width = scaled_width top_height = scaled_height struct.append(["svg_head", { "viewbox_width": max_width, # view port width "viewbox_height": cheight, # view port height "width": scaled_width, ## actual pixels of image in page "height": scaled_height, ## actual pixels of image in page "netname":, "top_width": top_width, "top_height": top_height, "arrow_color": config["arrow_color"], "arrow_width": config["arrow_width"], "svg_transform": svg_transform, }]) return struct
def _initialize_javascript(self): from IPython.display import Javascript, display js = """ require(['base/js/namespace'], function(Jupyter) { Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('conx_svg_control', function(comm, msg) { comm.on_msg(function(msg) { var data = msg["content"]["data"]; var images = document.getElementsByClassName(data["class"]); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (data["href"]) { images[i].setAttributeNS(null, "href", data["href"]); } if (data["src"]) { images[i].setAttributeNS(null, "src", data["src"]); } } }); }); }); """ display(Javascript(js)) self._initialized_javascript = True
[docs] def to_svg(self, inputs=None, class_id=None, **kwargs): """ opts - temporary override of config includes: "font_size": 12, "border_top": 25, "border_bottom": 25, "hspace": 100, "vspace": 50, "image_maxdim": 200 "image_pixels_per_unit": 50 See .config for all options. """ if any([(layer.kind() == "unconnected") for layer in self.layers]) or len(self.layers) == 0: return None # defaults: config = copy.copy(self.config) config.update(kwargs) struct = self.build_struct(inputs, class_id, config) ### Define the SVG strings: image_svg = """<rect x="{{rx}}" y="{{ry}}" width="{{rw}}" height="{{rh}}" style="fill:none;stroke:{border_color};stroke-width:{border_width}"/><image id="{netname}_{{name}}_{{svg_counter}}" class="{netname}_{{name}}" x="{{x}}" y="{{y}}" height="{{height}}" width="{{width}}" preserveAspectRatio="none" href="{{image}}"><title>{{tooltip}}</title></image>""".format( **{ "netname": class_id if class_id is not None else, "border_color": config["border_color"], "border_width": config["border_width"], }) line_svg = """<line x1="{{x1}}" y1="{{y1}}" x2="{{x2}}" y2="{{y2}}" stroke="{{arrow_color}}" stroke-width="{arrow_width}"><title>{{tooltip}}</title></line>""".format(**config) arrow_svg = """<line x1="{{x1}}" y1="{{y1}}" x2="{{x2}}" y2="{{y2}}" stroke="{{arrow_color}}" stroke-width="{arrow_width}" marker-end="url(#arrow)"><title>{{tooltip}}</title></line>""".format(**config) arrow_rect = """<rect x="{rx}" y="{ry}" width="{rw}" height="{rh}" style="fill:white;stroke:none"><title>{tooltip}</title></rect>""" label_svg = """<text x="{x}" y="{y}" font-family="{font_family}" font-size="{font_size}" text-anchor="{text_anchor}" fill="{font_color}" alignment-baseline="central" {transform}>{label}</text>""" svg_head = """<svg id='{netname}' xmlns='' image-rendering="pixelated" width="{top_width}px" height="{top_height}px"> <g {svg_transform}> <svg viewBox="0 0 {viewbox_width} {viewbox_height}" width="{width}px" height="{height}px"> <defs> <marker id="arrow" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10" refX="9" refY="3" orient="auto" markerUnits="strokeWidth"> <path d="M0,0 L0,6 L9,3 z" fill="{arrow_color}" /> </marker> </defs>""" templates = { "image_svg": image_svg, "line_svg": line_svg, "arrow_svg": arrow_svg, "arrow_rect": arrow_rect, "label_svg": label_svg, "svg_head": svg_head, } ## get the header: svg = None for (template_name, dict) in struct: if template_name == "svg_head": svg = svg_head.format(**dict) ## build the rest: for (template_name, dict) in struct: if template_name != "svg_head" and not template_name.startswith("_"): if template_name == "label_svg" and config["svg_rotate"]: dict["x"] += 8 dict["text_anchor"] = "middle" dict["transform"] = """ transform="rotate(-90 %s %s) translate(%s)" """ % (dict["x"], dict["y"], 2) else: dict["transform"] = "" t = templates[template_name] svg += t.format(**dict) svg += """</svg></g></svg>""" if (not self._initialized_javascript and get_ipython()): self._initialize_javascript() return svg
def _get_level_ordering(self): """ Returns a list of lists of tuples from input to output of levels. Each tuple contains: (layer_name, anchor?, from_name/None) If anchor is True, this is just an anchor point. """ ## First, get a level for all layers: levels = {} for layer in topological_sort(self, self.layers): if not hasattr(layer, "model"): continue level = max([levels[] for lay in layer.incoming_connections] + [-1]) levels[] = level + 1 max_level = max(levels.values()) ordering = [] for i in range(max_level + 1): # input to output layer_names = [ for layer in self.layers if levels[] == i] ordering.append([(name, False, None) for name in layer_names]) # (going_to/layer_name, anchor, coming_from) ## promote all output banks to last row: for level in range(len(ordering)): # input to output tuples = ordering[level] for (name, anchor, none) in tuples[:]: # go through copy if self[name].kind() == "output": ## move it to last row ## find it and remove index = tuples.index((name, anchor, None)) ordering[-1].append(tuples.pop(index)) ## insert anchor points for any in next level ## that doesn't go to a bank in this level for level in range(len(ordering)): # input to output tuples = ordering[level] for (name, anchor, fname) in tuples: if anchor: ## is this in next? if not add it next_level = [(n, hfname) for (n, anchor, hfname) in ordering[level + 1]] if (name, None) not in next_level and (name, fname) not in next_level: ordering[level + 1].append((name, True, fname)) # add anchor point else: pass ## finally! else: ## if next level doesn't contain an outgoing ## connection, add it to next level as anchor point for layer in self[name].outgoing_connections: next_level = [(n,fname) for (n, anchor, fname) in ordering[level + 1]] if (, None) not in next_level: ordering[level + 1].append((, True, name)) # add anchor point ## replace level with sorted level: def input_index(name): return min([self.input_bank_order.index(iname) for iname in self[name].input_names]) lev = sorted([(input_index(fname if anchor else name), name, anchor, fname) for (name, anchor, fname) in ordering[level]]) ordering[level] = [(name, anchor, fname) for (index, name, anchor, fname) in lev] return ordering
[docs] def describe_connection_to(self, layer1, layer2): """ Returns a textual description of the weights for the SVG tooltip. """ retval = "Weights from %s to %s" % (, if self.model is None: return retval for klayer in self.model.layers: if == weights = klayer.get_weights() for w in range(len(klayer.weights)): retval += "\n %s has shape %s" % ( klayer.weights[w].name, weights[w].shape) return retval
[docs] def saved(self, dir=None): """ Return True if network has been saved. """ if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") return (os.path.isdir(dir) and os.path.isfile("%s/network.pickle" % dir) and os.path.isfile("%s/model.h5" % dir) and os.path.isfile("%s/weights.h5" % dir))
[docs] def delete(self, dir=None): """ Delete network save folder. """ if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") import shutil if os.path.isdir(dir): shutil.rmtree(dir) else: print("Nothing to delete.")
[docs] def load(self, dir=None): """ Load the model and the weights/history into an existing conx network. """ import pickle if self is None: raise Exception("Network.load() requires a directory name") elif isinstance(self, str): dir = self with open("%s/network.pickle" % (("%s.conx" %" ", "_")) if dir is None else dir), "rb") as fp: network = pickle.load(fp) network.load(dir) return network else: self.load_model(dir) self.load_weights(dir) self.load_config(dir)
[docs] def save(self, dir=None): """ Save the model and the weights/history (if compiled) to a dir. """ if self.model: self.save_model(dir) self.save_weights(dir) self.save_config(dir) with open("%s/network.pickle" % (("%s.conx" %" ", "_")) if dir is None else dir), "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(self, fp) else: raise Exception("need to compile network before saving")
[docs] def load_model(self, dir=None, filename=None): """ Load a model from a dir/filename. """ from keras.models import load_model if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if filename is None: filename = "model.h5" self.model = load_model(os.path.join(dir, filename)) if self.compile_options: self.reset()
[docs] def save_model(self, dir=None, filename=None): """ Save a model (if compiled) to a dir/filename. """ if self.model: if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if filename is None: filename = "model.h5" if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir), filename)) else: raise Exception("need to compile network before saving")
[docs] def load_history(self, dir=None, filename=None): """ Load the history from a dir/file. network.load_history() """ if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if filename is None: filename = "history.pickle" full_filename = os.path.join(dir, filename) if os.path.isfile(full_filename): with open(os.path.join(dir, filename), "rb") as fp: self.history = pickle.load(fp) self.weight_history = pickle.load(fp) self.epoch_count = (len(self.history) - 1) if self.history else 0 else: print("WARNING: no such history file '%s'" % full_filename, file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def save_history(self, dir=None, filename=None): """ Save the history to a file. network.save_history() """ if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if filename is None: filename = "history.pickle" if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) with open(os.path.join(dir, filename), "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(self.history, fp) pickle.dump(self.weight_history, fp)
[docs] def load_weights(self, dir=None, filename=None): """ Load the network weights and history from dir/files. network.load_weights() """ if self.model: if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if filename is None: filename = "weights.h5" self.model.load_weights(os.path.join(dir, filename)) self.load_history(dir) else: raise Exception("need to compile network before loading weights")
[docs] def save_weights(self, dir=None, filename=None): """ Save the network weights and history to dir/files. network.save_weights() """ if self.model: if dir is None: dir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if filename is None: filename = "weights.h5" if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) self.model.save_weights(os.path.join(dir, filename)) self.save_history(dir) else: raise Exception("need to compile network before saving weights")
[docs] def dashboard(self, width="95%", height="550px", play_rate=0.5): """ Build the dashboard for Jupyter widgets. Requires running in a notebook/jupyterlab. """ from .widgets import Dashboard return Dashboard(self, width, height, play_rate)
[docs] def pp(self, *args, **opts): """ Pretty-print a vector. """ if isinstance(args[0], str): label = args[0] vector = args[1] else: label = "" vector = args[0] print(label +[:20], **opts))
[docs] def pf_matrix(self, matrix, force=False, **opts): """ Pretty-fromat a matrix. If a list, then that implies multi-bank. """ if isinstance(matrix, list): ## multiple output banks rows = [] for r in range(len(matrix[0])): row = [] for c in range(len(matrix)): row.append([c][r], **opts)) if c > 99 and not force: row.append("...") rows.append("[" + (",".join(row)) + "]") if r > 99 and not force: rows.append("...") break return rows else: rows = [] for r in range(len(matrix)): rows.append([r], **opts)) if r > 99 and not force: rows.append("...") break return rows
[docs] def pf(self, vector, **opts): """ Pretty-format a vector. Returns string. Arguments: vector (list): The first parameter. precision (int): Number of decimal places to show for each value in vector. Returns: str: Returns the vector formatted as a short string. Examples: These examples demonstrate the formatting function: >>> import conx >>> net = Network("Test") >>>[1.01]) '[1.01]' >>>, precision=2) '[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]' >>>[0]*10000) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '[0,0,0,...]' """ if isinstance(vector, collections.Iterable): vector = list(vector) if isinstance(vector, (list, tuple)): vector = np.array(vector) config = copy.copy(self.config) config.update(opts) precision = "{0:.%df}" % config["precision"] return np.array2string( vector, formatter={'float_kind': precision.format}, separator=",", max_line_width=79).replace("\n", "")
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights, layer_name=None): """ Set the model's weights, or a particular layer's weights. >>> net = Network("Weight Set Test", 2, 2, 1, activation="sigmoid") >>> net.compile(error="mse", optimizer="sgd") >>> net.set_weights(net.get_weights()) >>> hw = net.get_weights("hidden") >>> net.set_weights(hw, "hidden") """ if self.model is None: raise Exception("need to compile network") if layer_name is None: for i in range(len(self.model.layers)): self.model.layers[i].set_weights(weights[i]) else: for i in range(len(self.model.layers)): if self.model.layers[i].name == layer_name: w = [np.array(x) for x in self.model.layers[i].get_weights()] self.model.layers[i].set_weights(w)
[docs] def to_array(self) -> list: """ Get the weights of a network as a flat, one-dimensional list. Example: >>> from conx import Network >>> net = Network("Deep", 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5) >>> net.compile(optimizer="adam", error="mse") >>> array = net.to_array() >>> len(array) 103 Returns: All of weights and biases of the network in a single, flat list. """ if self.model is None: raise Exception("need to compile network") array = [] for layer in self.model.layers: for weight in layer.get_weights(): array.extend(weight.flatten()) return array
[docs] def from_array(self, array: list): """ Load the weights from a list. Arguments: array: a sequence (e.g., list, np.array) of numbers Example: >>> from conx import Network >>> net = Network("Deep", 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5) >>> net.compile(optimizer="adam", error="mse") >>> net.from_array([0] * 103) >>> array = net.to_array() >>> len(array) 103 """ if self.model is None: raise Exception("need to compile network") position = 0 for layer in self.model.layers: weights = layer.get_weights() new_weights = [] for i in range(len(weights)): w = weights[i] size = reduce(operator.mul, w.shape) new_w = np.array(array[position:position + size]).reshape(w.shape) new_weights.append(new_w) position += size layer.set_weights(new_weights)
### Config methods:
[docs] def load_config(self, datadir=None, config_file=None): """ """ if datadir is None: datadir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if config_file is None: config_file = "config.json" datadir = os.path.expanduser(datadir) if not os.path.exists(datadir): ## second try, here datadir = os.path.join('/tmp', datadir) full_config_file = os.path.join(datadir, config_file) if os.path.isfile(full_config_file): with open(full_config_file) as fp: config_data = json.load(fp) self.update_config(config_data)
## give up, fail silently
[docs] def save_config(self, datadir=None, config_file=None): """ """ if datadir is None: datadir = "%s.conx" %" ", "_") if config_file is None: config_file = "config.json" if not os.path.exists(datadir): try: os.makedirs(datadir) except: datadir = os.path.join('/tmp', datadir) os.makedirs(datadir) full_config_file = os.path.join(datadir, config_file) self.rebuild_config() with open(full_config_file, "w") as fp: json.dump(self.config, fp, indent=" ")
[docs] def update_config(self, config): """ """ self.config.update(config) for layer in self.layers: self.update_layer_from_config(layer)
[docs] def rebuild_config(self): """ """ self.config["config_layers"].clear() for layer in self.layers: d = {} self.config["config_layers"][] = d for item in ["visible", "minmax", "vshape", "image_maxdim", "image_pixels_per_unit", "colormap", "feature", "max_draw_units"]: d[item] = getattr(layer, item)
[docs] def update_layer_from_config(self, layer): """ """ if in self.config["config_layers"]: for item in self.config["config_layers"][]: setattr(layer, item, self.config["config_layers"][][item])
class _InterruptHandler(): """ Class for handling interrupts so that state is not left in inconsistant situation. """ def __init__(self, network, sig=signal.SIGINT): = network self.sig = sig self.interrupted = None self.released = None self.original_handler = None def __enter__(self): self.interrupted = False self.released = False self.original_handler = signal.getsignal(self.sig) def handler(signum, frame): self._release() if self.interrupted: raise KeyboardInterrupt print("\nStopping at end of epoch... (^C again to quit now)...") self.interrupted = True = True signal.signal(self.sig, handler) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self._release() def _release(self): if self.released: return False signal.signal(self.sig, self.original_handler) self.released = True return True