Source code for conx.widgets

# conx - a neural network library
# Copyright (c) Douglas S. Blank <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA

import numpy as np
import threading
import random
import time

from IPython.display import Javascript, display
import ipywidgets
from ipywidgets import (HTML, Button, VBox, HBox, IntSlider, Select, Text,
                        Layout, Label, FloatSlider, Checkbox, IntText,
                        Box, Accordion, FloatText, Output, Widget, register,
                        widget_serialization, DOMWidget)
from traitlets import Bool, Dict, Int, Float, Unicode, List, Instance

from .utils import (uri_to_image, AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS, get_colormap,

from ._version import __version__

class _Player(threading.Thread):
    Background thread for running a player.
    def __init__(self, controller, time_wait=0.5):
        self.controller = controller
        self.time_wait = time_wait
        self.can_run = threading.Event()
        self.can_run.clear()  ## paused
        self.daemon =True ## allows program to exit without waiting for join

    def run(self):
        while True:

    def pause(self):

    def resume(self):

[docs]class SequenceViewer(VBox): """ SequenceViewer Arguments: title (str) - Title of sequence function (callable) - takes an index 0 to length - 1. Function should a displayable or list of displayables length (int) - total number of frames in sequence play_rate (float) - seconds to wait between frames when auto-playing. Optional. Default is 0.5 seconds. >>> def function(index): ... return [None] >>> sv = SequenceViewer("Title", function, 10) >>> ## Do this manually for testing: >>> sv.initialize() None >>> ## Testing: >>> class Dummy: ... def update(self, result): ... return result >>> sv.displayers = [Dummy()] >>> print("Testing"); sv.goto("begin") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Testing... >>> print("Testing"); sv.goto("end") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Testing... >>> print("Testing"); sv.goto("prev") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Testing... >>> print("Testing"); sv.goto("next") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Testing... """ def __init__(self, title, function, length, play_rate=0.5): self.player = _Player(self, play_rate) self.player.start() self.title = title self.function = function self.length = length self.output = Output() self.position_text = IntText(value=0, layout=Layout(width="100%")) self.total_text = Label(value="of %s" % self.length, layout=Layout(width="100px")) controls = self.make_controls() super().__init__([controls, self.output])
[docs] def goto(self, position): #### Position it: if position == "begin": self.control_slider.value = 0 elif position == "end": self.control_slider.value = self.length - 1 elif position == "prev": if self.control_slider.value - 1 < 0: self.control_slider.value = self.length - 1 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = max(self.control_slider.value - 1, 0) elif position == "next": if self.control_slider.value + 1 > self.length - 1: self.control_slider.value = 0 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = min(self.control_slider.value + 1, self.length - 1) elif isinstance(position, int): self.control_slider.value = position self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value
[docs] def toggle_play(self, button): ## toggle if self.button_play.description == "Play": self.button_play.description = "Stop" self.button_play.icon = "pause" self.player.resume() else: self.button_play.description = "Play" self.button_play.icon = "play" self.player.pause()
[docs] def make_controls(self): button_begin = Button(icon="fast-backward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_prev = Button(icon="backward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_next = Button(icon="forward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_end = Button(icon="fast-forward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) self.button_play = Button(icon="play", description="Play", layout=Layout(width="100%")) self.control_buttons = HBox([ button_begin, button_prev, self.position_text, button_next, button_end, self.button_play, ], layout=Layout(width='100%', height="50px")) self.control_slider = IntSlider(description=self.title, continuous_update=False, min=0, max=max(self.length - 1, 0), value=0, style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width='100%')) ## Hook them up: button_begin.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("begin")) button_end.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("end")) button_next.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("next")) button_prev.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("prev")) self.button_play.on_click(self.toggle_play) self.control_slider.observe(self.update_slider_control, names='value') controls = VBox([HBox([self.control_slider, self.total_text], layout=Layout(height="40px")), self.control_buttons], layout=Layout(width='100%')) controls.on_displayed(lambda widget: self.initialize()) return controls
[docs] def initialize(self): results = self.function(self.control_slider.value) try: results = list(results) except: results = [results] self.displayers = [display(x, display_id=True) for x in results]
[docs] def update_slider_control(self, change): if change["name"] == "value": self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value self.output.clear_output(wait=True) results = self.function(self.control_slider.value) try: results = list(results) except: results = [results] for i in range(len(self.displayers)): self.displayers[i].update(results[i])
[docs]class Dashboard(VBox): """ Build the dashboard for Jupyter widgets. Requires running in a notebook/jupyterlab. """ def __init__(self, net, width="95%", height="550px", play_rate=0.5): self._ignore_layer_updates = False self.player = _Player(self, play_rate) self.player.start() = net r = random.randint(1, 1000000) self.class_id = "picture-dashboard-%s-%s" % (, r) self._width = width self._height = height ## Global widgets: style = {"description_width": "initial"} self.feature_columns = IntText(description="Detail columns:",["dashboard.features.columns"], min=0, max=1024, style=style) self.feature_scale = FloatText(description="Detail scale:",["dashboard.features.scale"], min=0.1, max=10, style=style) self.feature_columns.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.feature_scale.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') ## Hack to center SVG as justify-content is broken: self.net_svg = HTML(value="""<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % ("",), layout=Layout( width=self._width, overflow_x='auto', overflow_y="auto", justify_content="center")) # Make controls first: self.output = Output() controls = self.make_controls() config = self.make_config() super().__init__([config, controls, self.net_svg, self.output])
[docs] def propagate(self, inputs): """ Propagate inputs through the dashboard view of the network. """ if dynamic_pictures_check(): return, class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) else: self.regenerate(inputs=input)
[docs] def goto(self, position): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: return if self.control_select.value == "Train": length = len( elif self.control_select.value == "Test": length = len( #### Position it: if position == "begin": self.control_slider.value = 0 elif position == "end": self.control_slider.value = length - 1 elif position == "prev": if self.control_slider.value - 1 < 0: self.control_slider.value = length - 1 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = max(self.control_slider.value - 1, 0) elif position == "next": if self.control_slider.value + 1 > length - 1: self.control_slider.value = 0 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = min(self.control_slider.value + 1, length - 1) self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value
[docs] def change_select(self, change=None): """ """ self.update_control_slider(change) self.regenerate()
[docs] def update_control_slider(self, change=None):["dashboard.dataset"] = self.control_select.value if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" self.control_slider.value = 0 self.position_text.value = 0 self.control_slider.disabled = True self.position_text.disabled = True for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = True return if self.control_select.value == "Test": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False elif self.control_select.value == "Train": self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( minmax = (0, max(len( - 1, 0)) if minmax[0] <= self.control_slider.value <= minmax[1]: pass # ok else: self.control_slider.value = 0 self.control_slider.min = minmax[0] self.control_slider.max = minmax[1] if len( == 0: disabled = True else: disabled = False self.control_slider.disabled = disabled self.position_text.disbaled = disabled self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value for child in self.control_buttons.children: if not hasattr(child, "icon") or child.icon != "refresh": child.disabled = disabled
[docs] def update_zoom_slider(self, change): if change["name"] == "value":["svg_scale"] = self.zoom_slider.value self.regenerate()
[docs] def update_position_text(self, change): # {'name': 'value', 'old': 2, 'new': 3, 'owner': IntText(value=3, layout=Layout(width='100%')), 'type': 'change'} self.control_slider.value = change["new"]
[docs] def get_current_input(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value]
[docs] def get_current_targets(self): if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value] elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: return[self.control_slider.value]
[docs] def update_slider_control(self, change): if len( == 0 or len( == 0: self.total_text.value = "of 0" return if change["name"] == "value": self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value if self.control_select.value == "Train" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: if len( == 1: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else:[self.control_slider.value], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) elif self.control_select.value == "Test" and len( > 0: self.total_text.value = "of %s" % len( if is None: return if not dynamic_pictures_check(): self.regenerate([self.control_slider.value],[self.control_slider.value]) return output =[self.control_slider.value], class_id=self.class_id, update_pictures=True) if self.feature_bank.value in,[self.control_slider.value], cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, html=False) if["show_targets"]: ## FIXME: use minmax of output bank[[self.control_slider.value]], "targets", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) if["show_errors"]: ## minmax is error if len( == 1: errors = np.array(output) - np.array([self.control_slider.value])[errors.tolist()], "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1)) else: errors = [] for bank in range(len( errors.append( np.array(output[bank]) - np.array([self.control_slider.value][bank])), "errors", class_id=self.class_id, minmax=(-1, 1))
[docs] def toggle_play(self, button): ## toggle if self.button_play.description == "Play": self.button_play.description = "Stop" self.button_play.icon = "pause" self.player.resume() else: self.button_play.description = "Play" self.button_play.icon = "play" self.player.pause()
[docs] def prop_one(self, button=None): self.update_slider_control({"name": "value"})
[docs] def regenerate(self, button=None, inputs=None, targets=None): ## Protection when deleting object on shutdown: if isinstance(button, dict) and 'new' in button and button['new'] is None: return ## Update the config:[""] = self.feature_bank.value["dashboard.features.columns"] = self.feature_columns.value["dashboard.features.scale"] = self.feature_scale.value inputs = inputs if inputs is not None else self.get_current_input() targets = targets if targets is not None else self.get_current_targets() features = None if self.feature_bank.value in and inputs is not None: if is not None: features =, inputs, cols=self.feature_columns.value, scale=self.feature_scale.value, display=False) svg = """<p style="text-align:center">%s</p>""" % ( inputs=inputs, targets=targets, class_id=self.class_id, highlights={self.feature_bank.value: { "border_color": "orange", "border_width": 30, }})) if inputs is not None and features is not None: html_horizontal = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top" style="width: 50%%;">%s</td> <td valign="top" align="center" style="width: 50%%;"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" html_vertical = """ <table align="center" style="width: 100%%;"> <tr> <td valign="top">%s</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center"><p style="text-align:center"><b>%s</b></p>%s</td> </tr> </table>""" self.net_svg.value = (html_vertical if["svg_rotate"] else html_horizontal) % ( svg, "%s details" % self.feature_bank.value, features) else: self.net_svg.value = svg
[docs] def make_colormap_image(self, colormap_name): from .layers import Layer if not colormap_name: colormap_name = get_colormap() layer = Layer("Colormap", 100) minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() image = layer.make_image(np.arange(minmax[0], minmax[1], .01), colormap_name, {"pixels_per_unit": 1, "svg_rotate":["svg_rotate"]}).resize((300, 25)) return image
[docs] def set_attr(self, obj, attr, value): if value not in [{}, None]: ## value is None when shutting down if isinstance(value, dict): value = value["value"] if isinstance(obj, dict): obj[attr] = value else: setattr(obj, attr, value) ## was crashing on Widgets.__del__, if get_ipython() no longer existed self.regenerate()
[docs] def make_controls(self): layout = Layout(width='100%', height="100%") button_begin = Button(icon="fast-backward", layout=layout) button_prev = Button(icon="backward", layout=layout) button_next = Button(icon="forward", layout=layout) button_end = Button(icon="fast-forward", layout=layout) #button_prop = Button(description="Propagate", layout=Layout(width='100%')) #button_train = Button(description="Train", layout=Layout(width='100%')) self.button_play = Button(icon="play", description="Play", layout=layout) step_down = Button(icon="sort-down", layout=Layout(width="95%", height="100%")) step_up = Button(icon="sort-up", layout=Layout(width="95%", height="100%")) up_down = HBox([step_down, step_up], layout=Layout(width="100%", height="100%")) refresh_button = Button(icon="refresh", layout=Layout(width="25%", height="100%")) self.position_text = IntText(value=0, layout=layout) self.control_buttons = HBox([ button_begin, button_prev, #button_train, self.position_text, button_next, button_end, self.button_play, up_down, refresh_button ], layout=Layout(width='100%', height="100%")) length = (len( - 1) if len( > 0 else 0 self.control_slider = IntSlider(description="Dataset index", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=max(length, 0), value=0, layout=Layout(width='100%')) if["dashboard.dataset"] == "Train": length = len( else: length = len( self.total_text = Label(value="of %s" % length, layout=Layout(width="100px")) self.zoom_slider = FloatSlider(description="Zoom", continuous_update=False, min=0, max=1.0, style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="65%"),["svg_scale"] if["svg_scale"] is not None else 0.5) ## Hook them up: button_begin.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("begin")) button_end.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("end")) button_next.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("next")) button_prev.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("prev")) self.button_play.on_click(self.toggle_play) self.control_slider.observe(self.update_slider_control, names='value') refresh_button.on_click(lambda widget: (self.update_control_slider(), self.output.clear_output(), self.regenerate())) step_down.on_click(lambda widget: self.move_step("down")) step_up.on_click(lambda widget: self.move_step("up")) self.zoom_slider.observe(self.update_zoom_slider, names='value') self.position_text.observe(self.update_position_text, names='value') # Put them together: controls = VBox([HBox([self.control_slider, self.total_text], layout=Layout(height="40px")), self.control_buttons], layout=Layout(width='100%')) #net_page = VBox([control, self.net_svg], layout=Layout(width='95%')) controls.on_displayed(lambda widget: self.regenerate()) return controls
[docs] def move_step(self, direction): """ Move the layer stepper up/down through network """ options = [""] + [ for layer in] index = options.index(self.feature_bank.value) if direction == "up": new_index = (index + 1) % len(options) else: ## down new_index = (index - 1) % len(options) self.feature_bank.value = options[new_index] self.regenerate()
[docs] def make_config(self): layout = Layout() style = {"description_width": "initial"} checkbox1 = Checkbox(description="Show Targets",["show_targets"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox1.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_targets", change["new"]), names='value') checkbox2 = Checkbox(description="Errors",["show_errors"], layout=layout, style=style) checkbox2.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "show_errors", change["new"]), names='value') hspace = IntText(["hspace"], description="Horizontal space between banks:", style=style, layout=layout) hspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "hspace", change["new"]), names='value') vspace = IntText(["vspace"], description="Vertical space between layers:", style=style, layout=layout) vspace.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "vspace", change["new"]), names='value') self.feature_bank = Select(description="Details:",[""], options=[""] + [ for layer in], rows=1) self.feature_bank.observe(self.regenerate, names='value') self.control_select = Select( options=['Test', 'Train'],["dashboard.dataset"], description='Dataset:', rows=1 ) self.control_select.observe(self.change_select, names='value') column1 = [self.control_select, self.zoom_slider, hspace, vspace, HBox([checkbox1, checkbox2]), self.feature_bank, self.feature_columns, self.feature_scale ] ## Make layer selectable, and update-able: column2 = [] layer =[-1] self.layer_select = Select(description="Layer:",, options=[ for layer in], rows=1) self.layer_select.observe(self.update_layer_selection, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_select) self.layer_visible_checkbox = Checkbox(description="Visible", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_visible_checkbox.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_visible_checkbox) self.layer_colormap = Select(description="Colormap:", options=[""] + AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS, value=layer.colormap if layer.colormap is not None else "", layout=layout, rows=1) self.layer_colormap_image = HTML(value="""<img src="%s"/>""" % self.layer_colormap.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_colormap) column2.append(self.layer_colormap_image) ## get dynamic minmax; if you change it it will set it in layer as override: minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim = FloatText(description="Leftmost color maps to:", value=minmax[0], style=style) self.layer_maxdim = FloatText(description="Rightmost color maps to:", value=minmax[1], style=style) self.layer_mindim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') self.layer_maxdim.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_mindim) column2.append(self.layer_maxdim) output_shape = layer.get_output_shape() self.layer_feature = IntText(value=layer.feature, description="Feature to show:", style=style) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate", value=layer.visible, layout=layout) self.layer_feature.observe(self.update_layer, names='value') column2.append(self.layer_feature) self.svg_rotate = Checkbox(description="Rotate network",["svg_rotate"], style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width="52%")) self.svg_rotate.observe(lambda change: self.set_attr(, "svg_rotate", change["new"]), names='value') self.save_config_button = Button(icon="save", layout=Layout(width="10%")) self.save_config_button.on_click(self.save_config) column2.append(HBox([self.svg_rotate, self.save_config_button])) config_children = HBox([VBox(column1, layout=Layout(width="100%")), VBox(column2, layout=Layout(width="100%"))]) accordion = Accordion(children=[config_children]) accordion.set_title(0, accordion.selected_index = None return accordion
[docs] def save_config(self, widget=None):
[docs] def update_layer(self, change): """ Update the layer object, and redisplay. """ if self._ignore_layer_updates: return ## The rest indicates a change to a display variable. ## We need to save the value in the layer, and regenerate ## the display. # Get the layer: layer =[self.layer_select.value] # Save the changed value in the layer: layer.feature = self.layer_feature.value layer.visible = self.layer_visible_checkbox.value ## These three, dealing with colors of activations, ## can be done with a prop_one(): if "color" in change["owner"].description.lower(): ## Matches: Colormap, lefmost color, rightmost color ## overriding dynamic minmax! layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.minmax = (self.layer_mindim.value, self.layer_maxdim.value) layer.colormap = self.layer_colormap.value if self.layer_colormap.value else None self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % self.prop_one() else: self.regenerate()
[docs] def update_layer_selection(self, change): """ Just update the widgets; don't redraw anything. """ ## No need to redisplay anything self._ignore_layer_updates = True ## First, get the new layer selected: layer =[self.layer_select.value] ## Now, let's update all of the values without updating: self.layer_visible_checkbox.value = layer.visible self.layer_colormap.value = layer.colormap if layer.colormap != "" else "" self.layer_colormap_image.value = """<img src="%s"/>""" % minmax = layer.get_act_minmax() self.layer_mindim.value = minmax[0] self.layer_maxdim.value = minmax[1] self.layer_feature.value = layer.feature self._ignore_layer_updates = False
[docs]@register("CameraWidget") class CameraWidget(DOMWidget): """ Represents a media source. >>> cam = CameraWidget() <IPython.core.display.Javascript object> """ _view_module = Unicode('camera').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('CameraView').tag(sync=True) _model_module = Unicode('camera').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('CameraModel').tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(__version__).tag(sync=True) # Specify audio constraint and video constraint as a boolean or dict. audio = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) video = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) image = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) image_count = Int(0).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): display(Javascript(get_camera_javascript())) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_image(self): if self.image: image = uri_to_image(self.image) image = image.convert("RGB") return image
[docs] def get_data(self): if self.image: image = uri_to_image(self.image) ## trim from 4 to 3 dimensions: (remove alpha) # remove the 3 index of dimension index 2 (the A of RGBA color) image = np.delete(image, np.s_[3], 2) return (np.array(image).astype("float32") / 255.0)
[docs]def get_camera_javascript(width=320, height=240): if ipywidgets._version.version_info < (7,): jupyter_widgets = "jupyter-js-widgets" else: jupyter_widgets = "@jupyter-widgets/base" camera_javascript = """ require.undef('camera'); define('camera', ["%(jupyter_widgets)s"], function(widgets) { var CameraView = widgets.DOMWidgetView.extend({ defaults: _.extend({}, widgets.DOMWidgetView.prototype.defaults, { _view_name: 'CameraView', _view_module: 'camera', audio: false, video: true, }), initialize: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); var el = document.createElement('video'); el.setAttribute('id', "video_widget"); el.setAttribute('width', %(width)s); el.setAttribute('height', %(height)s); div.appendChild(el); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.setAttribute('id', "video_canvas"); canvas.setAttribute('width', %(width)s); canvas.setAttribute('height', %(height)s); div.appendChild(canvas); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerHTML = "Take a Picture"; var that = this; button.onclick = function(b) { var video = document.querySelector("#video_widget"); var canvas = document.querySelector("#video_canvas"); if (video) { canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var url = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); if (that.model) { that.model.set('image', url); that.model.save_changes(); } } }; div.appendChild(button); this.setElement(div); CameraView.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, render: function() { var that = this; { that.el.children[0].src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream); that.el.children[0].play(); }); } }); var CameraModel = widgets.DOMWidgetModel.extend({ defaults: _.extend({}, widgets.DOMWidgetModel.prototype.defaults, { _model_name: 'CameraModel', _model_module: 'camera', audio: false, video: true }), initialize: function() { CameraModel.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments); // Get the camera permissions = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: false, video: true}); } }); return { CameraModel: CameraModel, CameraView: CameraView } }); """ % {"width": width, "height": height, "jupyter_widgets": jupyter_widgets} return camera_javascript