# conx - a neural network library
# Copyright (c) Douglas S. Blank <dblank@cs.brynmawr.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
The conx.layers module contains the code for all of the layers.
In addition, it dynamically loads all of the Keras layers and
wraps them as a conx layer.
import numbers
import operator
from functools import reduce
import sys
import inspect
import string
import html
import copy
import sys
import re
import os
import numpy as np
import keras
import keras.backend as K
from keras.optimizers import (SGD, RMSprop, Adagrad, Adadelta, Adam, Adamax, Nadam,
from .utils import *
ON_RTD = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True'
pypandoc = None
if ON_RTD: ## takes too long to load, unless really needed
import pypandoc
pass # won't turn Keras comments into rft for documentation
[docs]def make_layer(config):
import conx.layers
layer = getattr(conx.layers, config["class"])
return layer(config["name"], *config["args"], **config["params"])
class _BaseLayer():
The base class for all conx layers.
See :any:`Layer` for more details.
ACTIVATION_FUNCTIONS = ('relu', 'sigmoid', 'linear', 'softmax', 'tanh',
'elu', 'selu', 'softplus', 'softsign', 'hard_sigmoid')
CLASS = None
def __init__(self, name, *args, **params):
self.config = {
"class": self.__class__.__name__,
"name": name,
"args": args,
"params": copy.copy(params),
if not (isinstance(name, str) and len(name) > 0):
raise Exception('bad layer name: %s' % (name,))
self.name = name
self.params = params
self.args = args
self.handle_merge = False
self.network = None
params["name"] = name
self.shape = None
self.vshape = None
self.keep_aspect_ratio = False
self.image_maxdim = None
self.image_pixels_per_unit = None
self.visible = True
self.colormap = None
self.minmax = None
self.model = None
self.decode_model = None
self.input_names = []
self.feature = 0
self.keras_layer = None
self.max_draw_units = 20
# used to determine image ranges:
self.activation = params.get("activation", None) # make a copy, if one, and str
if not isinstance(self.activation, str):
self.activation = None
# set visual shape for display purposes
if 'vshape' in params:
vs = params['vshape']
del params["vshape"] # drop those that are not Keras parameters
if not valid_vshape(vs):
raise Exception('bad vshape: %s' % (vs,))
self.vshape = vs
if 'keep_aspect_ratio' in params:
ar = params['keep_aspect_ratio']
del params["keep_aspect_ratio"] # drop those that are not Keras parameters
self.keep_aspect_ratio = ar
if 'image_maxdim' in params:
imd = params['image_maxdim']
del params["image_maxdim"] # drop those that are not Keras parameters
if not isinstance(imd, numbers.Integral):
raise Exception('bad image_maxdim: %s' % (imd,))
self.image_maxdim = imd
if 'image_pixels_per_unit' in params:
imd = params['image_pixels_per_unit']
del params["image_pixels_per_image"] # drop those that are not Keras parameters
if not isinstance(imd, numbers.Integral):
raise Exception('bad image_pixels_per_unit: %s' % (imd,))
self.image_pixels_per_unit = imd
if 'visible' in params:
visible = params['visible']
del params["visible"] # drop those that are not Keras parameters
self.visible = visible
if 'colormap' in params:
colormap = params["colormap"]
if isinstance(colormap, (tuple, list)):
if len(colormap) != 3:
raise Exception("Invalid colormap format: requires (colormap_name, vmin, vmax)")
self.colormap = colormap[0]
self.minmax = colormap[1:]
self.colormap = colormap
del params["colormap"] # drop those that are not Keras parameters
if 'minmax' in params:
self.minmax = params['minmax']
del params["minmax"] # drop those that are not Keras parameters
if 'dropout' in params:
dropout = params['dropout']
del params["dropout"] # we handle dropout layers
if dropout == None:
dropout = 0
dropout_dim = 0
elif isinstance(dropout, numbers.Real):
dropout_dim = 0
elif isinstance(dropout, (list, tuple)):
dropout_dim = dropout[1]
dropout = dropout[0]
raise Exception('bad dropout option: %s' % (dropout,))
if not (0 <= dropout <= 1):
raise Exception('bad dropout rate: %s' % (dropout,))
self.dropout = dropout
self.dropout_dim = dropout_dim
self.dropout = 0
self.dropout_dim = 0
if 'bidirectional' in params:
bidirectional = params['bidirectional']
del params["bidirectional"] # we handle it
if bidirectional not in ['sum', 'mul', 'concat', 'ave', True, None]:
raise Exception('bad bidirectional value: %s' % (bidirectional,))
self.bidirectional = bidirectional
self.bidirectional = None
if 'time_distributed' in params:
time_distributed = params['time_distributed']
del params["time_distributed"] # we handle time distributed wrappers
self.time_distributed = time_distributed
self.time_distributed = False
if 'activation' in params: # let's keep a copy of it
self.activation = params["activation"]
if not isinstance(self.activation, str):
self.activation = None
self.incoming_connections = []
self.outgoing_connections = []
def _check_layer_name(self, layer_name):
Check to see if a layer name is appropriate.
Raises exception if invalid name.
valid_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_-%"
if len(layer_name) == 0:
raise Exception("layer name must not be length 0: '%s'" % layer_name)
if not all(char in valid_chars for char in layer_name):
raise Exception("layer name must only contain letters, numbers, '-', and '_': '%s'" % layer_name)
if layer_name.count("%") != layer_name.count("%d"):
raise Exception("layer name must only contain '%%d'; no other formatting allowed: '%s'" % layer_name)
if layer_name.count("%d") not in [0, 1]:
raise Exception("layer name must contain at most one %%d: '%s'" % layer_name)
def on_connect(self, relation, other_layer):
relation is "to"/"from" indicating which layer self is.
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s name='%s'>" % (self.CLASS.__name__, self.name)
def kind(self):
Determines whether a layer is a "input", "hidden", or "output" layer based on
its connections. If no connections, then it is "unconnected".
if len(self.incoming_connections) == 0 and len(self.outgoing_connections) == 0:
return 'unconnected'
elif len(self.incoming_connections) > 0 and len(self.outgoing_connections) > 0:
return 'hidden'
elif len(self.incoming_connections) > 0:
return 'output'
return 'input'
def make_input_layer_k(self):
Make an input layer for this type of layer. This allows Layers to have
special kinds of input layers. Would need to be overrided in subclass.
return keras.layers.Input(self.shape, *self.args, **self.params)
def make_input_layer_k_text(self):
Make an input layer for this type of layer. This allows Layers to have
special kinds of input layers. Would need to be overrided in subclass.
## FIXME: WIP, don't include args, params if empty
return "keras.layers.Input(%s, *%s, **%s)" % (self.shape, self.args, self.params)
def make_keras_function(self):
This makes the Keras function for the functional interface.
## This is for all Keras layers:
return self.CLASS(*self.args, **self.params)
def make_keras_function_text(self):
This makes the Keras function for the functional interface.
## This is for all Keras layers:
## FIXME: WIP, don't include args, params if empty
return "keras.layers.%s(*%s, **%s)" % (self.CLASS.__name__, self.args, self.params)
def make_keras_functions(self):
Make all Keras functions for this layer, including its own,
dropout, etc.
from keras.layers import (TimeDistributed, Bidirectional, Dropout,
SpatialDropout1D, SpatialDropout2D, SpatialDropout3D)
k = self.make_keras_function() # can override
### wrap layer:
if self.bidirectional:
if self.bidirectional is True:
k = Bidirectional(k, name=self.name)
k = Bidirectional(k, merge_mode=self.bidirectional, name=self.name)
if self.time_distributed:
k = TimeDistributed(k, name=self.name)
### sequence:
k = [k]
if self.dropout > 0:
if self.dropout_dim == 0:
k += [Dropout(self.dropout)]
elif self.dropout_dim == 1:
k += [SpatialDropout1D(self.dropout)]
elif self.dropout_dim == 2:
k += [SpatialDropout2D(self.dropout)]
elif self.dropout_dim == 3:
k += [SpatialDropout3D(self.dropout)]
return k
def make_keras_functions_text(self):
Make all Keras functions for this layer, including its own,
dropout, etc.
def bidir_mode(name):
if name in [True, None]:
return "concat"
return name
program = self.make_keras_function_text()
if self.time_distributed:
program = "keras.layers.TimeDistributed(%s, name='%s')" % (program, self.name)
if self.bidirectional:
program = "keras.layers.Bidirectional(%s, name='%s', mode='%s')" % (
program, self.name, bidir_mode(self.bidirectional))
retval = [program]
if self.dropout > 0:
if self.dropout_dim == 0:
retval += ["keras.layers.Dropout(self.dropout)"]
elif self.dropout_dim == 1:
retval += ["keras.layers.SpatialDropout1D(self.dropout)"]
elif self.dropout_dim == 2:
retval += ["keras.layers.SpatialDropout2D(self.dropout)"]
elif self.dropout_dim == 3:
retval += ["keras.layers.SpatialDropout3D(self.dropout)"]
return "[" + (", ".join(retval)) + "]"
def get_colormap(self):
if self.__class__.__name__ == "FlattenLayer":
if self.colormap is None:
return self.incoming_connections[0].get_colormap()
return self.colormap
elif self.kind() == "input":
return "gray" if self.colormap is None else self.colormap
return get_colormap() if self.colormap is None else self.colormap
# class: _BaseLayer
def make_image(self, vector, colormap=None, config={}):
Given an activation name (or function), and an output vector, display
make and return an image widget.
import keras.backend as K
from matplotlib import cm
import PIL
import PIL.ImageDraw
if self.vshape and self.vshape != self.shape:
vector = vector.reshape(self.vshape)
if len(vector.shape) > 2:
## Drop dimensions of vector:
s = slice(None, None)
args = []
# The data is in the same format as Keras
# so we can ask Keras what that format is:
# ASSUMES: that the network that loaded the
# dataset has the same image_data_format as
# now:
if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last':
for d in range(len(vector.shape)):
if d in [0, 1]:
args.append(s) # keep the first two
args.append(self.feature) # pick which to use
else: # 'channels_first'
count = 0
for d in range(len(vector.shape)):
if d in [0]:
args.append(self.feature) # pick which to use
if count < 2:
count += 1
vector = vector[args]
vector = scale_output_for_image(vector, self.get_act_minmax(), truncate=True)
if len(vector.shape) == 1:
vector = vector.reshape((1, vector.shape[0]))
size = config.get("pixels_per_unit",1)
new_width = vector.shape[0] * size # in, pixels
new_height = vector.shape[1] * size # in, pixels
if colormap is None:
colormap = self.get_colormap()
if colormap is not None:
cm_hot = cm.get_cmap(colormap)
cm_hot = cm.get_cmap("RdGy")
vector = cm_hot(vector)
vector = np.uint8(vector * 255)
if max(vector.shape) <= self.max_draw_units:
# Need to make it bigger, to draw circles:
## Make this value too small, and borders are blocky;
## too big and borders are too thin
scale = int(250 / max(vector.shape))
size = size * scale
image = PIL.Image.new('RGBA', (new_height * scale, new_width * scale), color="white")
draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for row in range(vector.shape[1]):
for col in range(vector.shape[0]):
## upper-left, lower-right:
draw.rectangle((row * size, col * size,
(row + 1) * size - 1, (col + 1) * size - 1),
image = PIL.Image.fromarray(vector)
image = image.resize((new_height, new_width))
## If rotated, and has features, rotate it:
if config.get("svg_rotate", False):
output_shape = self.get_output_shape()
if ((isinstance(output_shape, tuple) and len(output_shape) >= 3) or
(self.vshape is not None and len(self.vshape) == 2)):
image = image.rotate(90, expand=1)
return image
def make_dummy_vector(self, default_value=0.0):
This is in the easy to use human format (list of lists ...)
## FIXME: for pictures give a vector
if (self.shape is None or
(isinstance(self.shape, (list, tuple)) and None in self.shape)):
v = np.ones(100) * default_value
v = np.ones(self.shape) * default_value
lo, hi = self.get_act_minmax()
v *= (lo + hi) / 2.0
return v.tolist()
def get_act_minmax(self):
Get the activation (output) min/max for a layer.
Note: +/- 2 represents infinity
if self.minmax is not None: ## allow override
return self.minmax
if self.__class__.__name__ == "FlattenLayer":
in_layer = self.incoming_connections[0]
return in_layer.get_act_minmax()
elif self.kind() == "input":
## try to get from dataset
if self.network and len(self.network.dataset) > 0:
bank_idx = self.network.input_bank_order.index(self.name)
return self.network.dataset._inputs_range[bank_idx]
return (-2,+2)
else: ## try to get from activation function
if self.activation in ["tanh", 'softsign']:
return (-1,+1)
elif self.activation in ["sigmoid",
return (0,+1)
elif self.activation in ["relu", 'elu', 'softplus']:
return (0,+2)
elif self.activation in ["selu", "linear"]:
return (-2,+2)
else: # default, or unknown activation function
## Enhancement:
## Someday could sample the unknown activation function
## and provide reasonable values
return (-2,+2)
def get_output_shape(self):
## FIXME: verify this:
if self.keras_layer is not None:
if hasattr(self.keras_layer, "output_shape"):
return self.keras_layer.output_shape
## Tensors don't have output_shape; is this right:
elif hasattr(self.keras_layer, "_keras_shape"):
return self.keras_layer._keras_shape
def tooltip(self):
String (with newlines) for describing layer."
def format_range(minmax):
minv, maxv = minmax
if minv <= -2:
minv = "-Infinity"
if maxv >= +2:
maxv = "+Infinity"
return "(%s, %s)" % (minv, maxv)
kind = self.kind()
retval = "Layer: %s (%s)" % (html.escape(self.name), kind)
retval += "\n output range: %s" % (format_range(self.get_act_minmax(),))
if self.shape:
retval += "\n shape = %s" % (self.shape, )
if self.dropout:
retval += "\n dropout = %s" % self.dropout
if self.dropout_dim > 0:
retval += "\n dropout dimension = %s" % self.dropout_dim
if self.bidirectional:
retval += "\n bidirectional = %s" % self.bidirectional
if kind == "input":
retval += "\n Keras class = Input"
retval += "\n Keras class = %s" % self.CLASS.__name__
for key in self.params:
if key in ["name"] or self.params[key] is None:
retval += "\n %s = %s" % (key, html.escape(str(self.params[key])))
return retval
[docs]class Layer(_BaseLayer):
The default layer type. Will create either an InputLayer, or DenseLayer,
depending on its context after :any:`Network.connect`.
name: The name of the layer. Must be unique in this network. Should
not contain special HTML characters.
>>> layer = Layer("input", 10)
>>> layer.name
>>> from conx import Network
>>> net = Network("XOR2")
>>> net.add(Layer("input", 2))
>>> net.add(Layer("hidden", 5))
>>> net.add(Layer("output", 2))
>>> net.connect()
>>> net["input"].kind()
>>> net["output"].kind()
See also: :any:`Network`, :any:`Network.add`, and :any:`Network.connect`
for more information. See https://keras.io/ for more information on
Keras layers.
CLASS = keras.layers.Dense
def __init__(self, name: str, shape, **params):
super().__init__(name, **params)
"class": self.__class__.__name__,
"name": name,
"args": [shape],
"params": copy.copy(params),
if not valid_shape(shape):
raise Exception('bad shape: %s' % (shape,))
# set layer topology (shape) and number of units (size)
if isinstance(shape, numbers.Integral) or shape is None:
self.shape = (shape,)
self.size = shape
# multi-dimensional layer
self.shape = shape
if all([isinstance(n, numbers.Integral) for n in shape]):
self.size = reduce(operator.mul, shape)
self.size = None # can't compute size because some dim are None
if 'activation' in params:
act = params['activation']
if act == None:
act = 'linear'
if not (callable(act) or act in Layer.ACTIVATION_FUNCTIONS):
raise Exception('unknown activation function: %s' % (act,))
self.activation = act
if not isinstance(self.activation, str):
self.activation = None
def __repr__(self):
return "<Layer name='%s', shape=%s, act='%s'>" % (
self.name, self.shape, self.activation)
[docs] def print_summary(self, fp=sys.stdout):
Print a summary of the dense/input layer.
if self.activation:
print(" * **Activation function**:", self.activation, file=fp)
if self.dropout:
print(" * **Dropout percent** :", self.dropout, file=fp)
if self.dropout_dim > 0:
print(" * **Dropout dimension** :", self.dropout_dim, file=fp)
if self.bidirectional:
print(" * **Bidirectional mode** :", self.bidirectional, file=fp)
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
For all Keras-based functions. Returns the Keras class.
return self.CLASS(self.size, **self.params)
[docs] def make_keras_function_text(self):
For all Keras-based functions. Returns the Keras class.
return "keras.layers.%s(%s, **%s)" % (self.CLASS.__name__, self.size, self.params)
[docs]class ImageLayer(Layer):
A class for images. WIP.
def __init__(self, name, dimensions, depth, **params):
## get value before processing
keep_aspect_ratio = params.get("keep_aspect_ratio", True)
super().__init__(name, dimensions, **params)
"class": self.__class__.__name__,
"name": name,
"args": [dimensions, depth],
"params": copy.copy(params),
if self.vshape is None:
self.vshape = self.shape
## override defaults set in constructor:
self.keep_aspect_ratio = keep_aspect_ratio
self.dimensions = dimensions
self.depth = depth
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_last":
self.shape = tuple(list(self.shape) + [depth])
self.image_indexes = (0, 1)
self.shape = tuple([depth] + list(self.shape))
self.image_indexes = (1, 2)
# class: ImageLayer
[docs] def make_image(self, vector, colormap=None, config={}):
Given an activation name (or function), and an output vector, display
make and return an image widget. Colormap is ignored.
## see K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last': above
## We keep the dataset data in the right format.
import PIL
v = (vector * 255).astype("uint8")
if self.depth == 1:
v = v.squeeze() # get rid of nested lists (len of 1)
v = v.reshape(self.dimensions[0],
image = PIL.Image.fromarray(v)
if config.get("svg_rotate", False):
image = image.rotate(90, expand=1)
return image
[docs]class AddLayer(_BaseLayer):
A Layer for adding the output vectors of multiple layers together.
CLASS = keras.layers.Add
def __init__(self, name, **params):
self.layers = []
"class": self.__class__.__name__,
"name": name,
"args": [],
"params": copy.copy(params),
self.handle_merge = True
[docs] def make_keras_functions(self):
This keras function just returns the Tensor.
return [lambda k: k]
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Add
layers = [(layer.k if layer.k is not None else layer.keras_layer) for layer in self.layers]
return Add(**self.params)(layers)
[docs] def on_connect(self, relation, other_layer):
relation is "to"/"from" indicating which layer self is.
if relation == "to":
## other_layer must be an Input layer
[docs]class SubtractLayer(AddLayer):
A layer for subtracting the output vectors of layers.
CLASS = keras.layers.Subtract
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Substract
layers = [(layer.k if layer.k is not None else layer.keras_layer) for layer in self.layers]
return Subtract(**self.params)(layers)
[docs]class MultiplyLayer(AddLayer):
A layer for multiplying the output vectors of layers
CLASS = keras.layers.Multiply
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Multiply
layers = [(layer.k if layer.k is not None else layer.keras_layer) for layer in self.layers]
return Multiply(**self.params)(layers)
[docs]class AverageLayer(AddLayer):
A layer for averaging the output vectors of layers
CLASS = keras.layers.Average
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Average
layers = [(layer.k if layer.k is not None else layer.keras_layer) for layer in self.layers]
return Average(**self.params)(layers)
[docs]class MaximumLayer(AddLayer):
A layer for finding the maximum values of layers.
CLASS = keras.layers.Maximum
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Maximum
layers = [(layer.k if layer.k is not None else layer.keras_layer) for layer in self.layers]
return Maximum(**self.params)(layers)
[docs]class ConcatenateLayer(AddLayer):
A layer for sticking layers together.
CLASS = keras.layers.Concatenate
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Concatenate
layers = [(layer.k if layer.k is not None else layer.keras_layer) for layer in self.layers]
return Concatenate(**self.params)(layers)
[docs]class DotLayer(AddLayer):
A layer for computing the dot product between layers.
CLASS = keras.layers.Dot
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Dot
layers = [(layer.k if layer.k is not None else layer.keras_layer) for layer in self.layers]
return Dot(**self.params)(layers)
[docs]class LambdaLayer(Layer):
CLASS = keras.layers.Lambda
def __init__(self, name, size, function, **params):
super().__init__(name, size, **params)
"class": self.__class__.__name__,
"name": name,
"args": [size, function],
"params": copy.copy(params),
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
For all Keras-based functions. Returns the Keras class.
return self.CLASS(**self.params)
[docs] def make_keras_function_text(self):
For all Keras-based functions. Returns the Keras class.
return "keras.layers.%s(**%s)" % (self.CLASS.__name__, self.params)
[docs]class EmbeddingLayer(Layer):
A class for embeddings. WIP.
def __init__(self, name, in_size, out_size, **params):
super().__init__(name, in_size, **params)
"class": self.__class__.__name__,
"name": name,
"args": [in_size, out_size],
"params": copy.copy(params),
if self.vshape is None:
self.vshape = self.shape
self.in_size = in_size
self.out_size = out_size
self.sequence_size = None # get filled in on_connect
[docs] def make_keras_function(self):
from keras.layers import Embedding as KerasEmbedding
return KerasEmbedding(self.in_size, self.out_size, input_length=self.sequence_size, **self.params)
[docs] def on_connect(self, relation, other_layer):
relation is "to"/"from" indicating which layer self is.
if relation == "to":
## other_layer must be an Input layer
self.sequence_size = other_layer.size # get the input_length
self.shape = (self.sequence_size, self.out_size)
if self.sequence_size:
self.size = self.sequence_size * self.out_size
self.size = None
self.vshape = (self.sequence_size, self.out_size)
other_layer.size = (None,) # poke in this otherwise invalid size
other_layer.shape = (self.sequence_size,) # poke in this shape
other_layer.params["dtype"] = "int32" # assume ints
other_layer.make_dummy_vector = lambda v=0.0: np.zeros(self.sequence_size) * v
other_layer.minmax = (0, self.in_size)
[docs]def process_class_docstring(docstring):
docstring = re.sub(r'\n # (.*)\n',
r'\n __\1__\n\n',
docstring = re.sub(r' ([^\s\\\(]+):(.*)\n',
r' - __\1__:\2\n',
docstring = docstring.replace(' ' * 5, '\t\t')
docstring = docstring.replace(' ' * 3, '\t')
docstring = docstring.replace(' ', '')
return docstring
## Dynamically load all of the keras layers, making a conx layer:
## Al of these will have _BaseLayer as their superclass:
keras_module = sys.modules["keras.layers"]
for (name, obj) in inspect.getmembers(keras_module):
if name in ["Embedding", "Input", "Dense", "TimeDistributed",
"Add", "Subtract", "Multiply", "Average",
"Maximum", "Concatenate", "Dot", "Lambda"]:
if type(obj) == type and issubclass(obj, (keras.engine.Layer, )):
new_name = "%sLayer" % name
docstring = obj.__doc__
if pypandoc:
docstring_md = ' **%s**\n\n' % (new_name,)
docstring_md += obj.__doc__
docstring = pypandoc.convert(process_class_docstring(docstring_md), "rst", "markdown_github")
locals()[new_name] = type(new_name, (_BaseLayer,),
{"CLASS": obj,
"__doc__": docstring})
# for consistency:
DenseLayer = Layer
InputLayer = Layer
AdditionLayer = AddLayer
SubtractionLayer = SubtractLayer
MultiplicationLayer = MultiplyLayer